heuristicus / spot_ros

ROS driver for controlling Boston Dynamics' Spot robot
268 stars 136 forks source link

Mapping demo #136

Closed Rhettoric74 closed 1 year ago

Rhettoric74 commented 1 year ago

In this branch, new functions were added to spot_wrapper.py to allow for the recording of GraphNav maps, and functions for navigating GraphNav maps were refactored and debugged. New example scripts were also added to demonstrate how to use these functions.

heuristicus commented 1 year ago

This PR adds 194k lines and removes 28k lines. The diff seems to show many files deleted and added without any changes being made (e.g. readme, github/workflows/black.yaml). I can't review this until it's clearer what is actually being changed. I haven't seen something like this before so I don't know what the cause might be. The bad commit appears to be this one: https://github.com/heuristicus/spot_ros/pull/136/commits/966d07414ef2dec65180144a7fcb997b5965bdc6.

With a brief look I noticed that some files still have merge conflict markers, and I see almost no comments on functions which are added. There are many random comments in the code which are unhelpful and/or badly formatted. You're also including launch files and other things which reference your specific robot (I assume that's what hachi is).

I'm going to close this. You're welcome to resubmit another PR which has a better title, an explanation of what changes you're adding, and which doesn't add 194k lines.