heuristicus / spot_ros

ROS driver for controlling Boston Dynamics' Spot robot
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Unable to get data from payload camera #145

Closed ajay1606 closed 11 months ago

ajay1606 commented 11 months ago


I am using ROS driver for SPOT control and able to get data from the default cameras installed in the SPOT. But with the additional Payload cameras ( Spot Cam+IR), unable to get thermal image topics in the ROS node.

Able to get default camera (installed on SPOT), but not the payload camera data. image

But in the controller display i am able to see the payload camera data, but not able to get those data in the ROS node. image

Appreciate any suggestions !

Development Platform: Ubuntu 20.04 ROS : Noetic

heuristicus commented 11 months ago

Hi, please check the information at https://heuristicus.github.io/spot_ros/html/cam_usage.html about how to use the spot cam with this driver. It seems like you may not be running the additional launch file.

ajay1606 commented 11 months ago

@heuristicus Thank you so much for your quick response. And I have gone through the link you have shared. After installing aiortc==1.3.2 and i have tried to lauch Spot cam with following command, with our password.

roslaunch spot_cam spot_cam.launch username:=user password:=spot_password hostname:= But end up with error message like bellow. Would you please help us to fix this .


heuristicus commented 11 months ago

Please try again with the latest commit I just made. It looks like there was an issue with the import name not being correct.

ajay1606 commented 11 months ago

@heuristicus thanks for your response after tried with latest commit changes also got same error . Any how after changing same thing in here also, am able to get spot_cam node launch normally. https://github.com/heuristicus/spot_ros/blob/a76ded46bdeaa9ac3f054a1b0f4facd90adc3f74/spot_cam/src/spot_cam/spot_cam_ros.py#L328

Screenshot from 2023-10-24 15-39-48

Currently able to see/spot/cam/image and /spot/cam/compressed both topics shows RGB image in rqt_image_view.


Greatly appreciate your assistance !

heuristicus commented 11 months ago

The output of the camera image topic is controlled by setting the screen that is displayed, which can be done with the /spot/cam/set_screen topic. See https://heuristicus.github.io/spot_ros/html/cam_usage.html#screens for more details.

ajay1606 commented 11 months ago

@heuristicus Thank you so much for your continuous response, now its working well. But there is no any topic publishing camera info for /spot/cam/info ?

And also, data currently publishing at 3 hz, is there any parameters to tune ?