hewm2008 / NGenomeSyn

Any Way to Show Multi genomic Synteny
MIT License
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`StyleUpDown=line` not work #7

Closed Boer223 closed 9 months ago

Boer223 commented 10 months ago

Hi, When I set the StyleUpDown=line parameter in the conf file, it didn't not work. Here is the conf file:

##################################### global parameters ###########################################

SetParaFor = global
GenomeInfoFile1=PC08.lens  ##  GenomeInfoFile 1 means the 1th genome IRGSP

LinkFileRef1VsRef2=50/blocks_coords.2.txt     ## Link1
####### Format (chrA StartA EndA chrB StartB End ...other parameters)
## Note: link files could be occurred multiple times

#Main = "main_Figure"  ##  the Fig Name  :MainRatioFontSize MainCor ShiftMainX  ShiftMainY 

################################ Figure #########################################################

############################  Canvas and image parameter configuration ###########################
down=60  ## Canvas down +60
#body=1200    ## default: 1200 and up/down/left/right) = (55,25,100,120); #CanvasHeightRitao=1.0 CanvasWidthRitao=1.0
#RotatePng=0  ## rotation angles for the png figure

SetParaFor = Genome1  ## GenomeALL/GenomeX : setting parameter for the ALL/2st genome
 # Chr1    1010259 1012410 Chr1    982911  986253  0
# [heweiming@cngb-login-0-25 bbbb]$ Chr1    1016065 1019545 Chr1    989921  993533  0
SetParaFor = Genome2  ## GenomeALL/GenomeX : setting parameter  for the ALL/1st genome


Thank you!

hewm2008 commented 9 months ago

You should add this line under the SetParaFor=Link1 tag

SetParaFor=Link1  #  setting for the link (Link1, ...LinkX) or links (LinkALL)  
StyleUpDown=line           ## values could be set "UpDown/DownUp/UpUP/DownDown/line". Note: line indicates straight line and the others are curve
#Reverse=1              ## reverse links           
#HeightRatio=1.0        ## enlage(>1) or reduce(<1) or equal(=1) of link height 
## parameters for color and opacity for fill and stroke could be set: fill/ stroke/stroke-opacity/fill-opacity/stroke-width