hewm2008 / NGenomeSyn

Any Way to Show Multi genomic Synteny
MIT License
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Error occurred during runningGetTwoGenomeSyn.pl ##line 1589 #8

Closed yyyuechen closed 6 months ago

yyyuechen commented 6 months ago

hello老师好,非常感谢您的团队开发了这个软件,我在尝试的过程中遇到了一个问题,希望可以得到您的指点: 我在装配好环境之后尝试跑了example1并且成功,然后我就用自己的mags开始跑,但是总是遇到这个问题: Error: InPut Genome Link 1-2 Info easy.link file Format wrong,pleas check it, 然后我打开了这个file发现是空的,请问有什么可能的原因会造成这个结果呢? 我的mags都是原核生物, binning完成度均在80%以上

非常感谢!! 这是我的代码和错误提示: perl /ibex/scratch/cheny0r/NGenomeSyn/bin/GetTwoGenomeSyn.pl -InGenomeA 124182.assembled.fasta -InGenomeB 5_arc_Bathyarchaeia_bin.35.fasta -OutPrefix easy -MappingBin mummer -BinDir /ibex/sw/rl9c/mummer/4.0.0/rl9.1_gnu12.2.0/mummer-4.0.0rc1/install/bin/ -MinLenA 5000 -MinLenB 5000

Warining: SVG module in Perl is missing, trying to loading the built-in [SVG.pm]... Loading SVG module done Use of uninitialized value $ in scalar chomp at /ibex/scratch/cheny0r/NGenomeSyn/bin/NGenomeSyn line 1589. Use of uninitialized value $ in split at /ibex/scratch/cheny0r/NGenomeSyn/bin/NGenomeSyn line 1589.

Error: InPut Genome Link 1-2 Info easy.link file Format wrong,pleas check it ALL done, see the xxx.png . you can optimized drawing by [NGenomeSyn] software optimized: [Filter] and [Merge] small syn blocks to big syn block

hewm2008 commented 6 months ago

A : 物种远 一般用gene 蛋白 比对(blastp diamond 再用mcscan 找共线性块) B : 物种近 ,直接用genome数据分析,(一般是同一个种 不同品种的基因组用 minimap2 mummer找共线性区域 )

         你这是两个物种太远了   从dNA没有找到共线性块,建议先用蛋白找到共线性块
yyyuechen commented 6 months ago
