hex-digital / acf-migrations

An easy way to migrate local fields and field groups using readable object oriented syntax (without the need for huge arrays)
MIT License
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Locations parameter in addFieldGroup function does not support multiple arrays #3

Closed olivertappin closed 7 years ago

olivertappin commented 7 years ago

When creating a new field group with multiple locations, the exported code is in the wrong format. For example:

$migrations->addFieldGroup( 'global', [
            'param' => 'post_type',
            'operator' => '==',
            'value' => 'page'
            'param' => 'post_type',
            'operator' => '==',
            'value' => 'portfolio'
    ], [
        'hide_on_screen' => ['content_editor']
    ] )
    ->addField( 'image', 'Hero image' );

produces the following code within the export file:

"location" => [
            "param" => "post_type",
            "operator" => "==",
            "value" => "page"
            "param" => "post_type",
            "operator" => "==",
            "value" => "portfolio"

when the arrays should be one level back, like so:

"location" => [
            "param" => "post_type",
            "operator" => "==",
            "value" => "page"
            "param" => "post_type",
            "operator" => "==",
            "value" => "portfolio"