hex007 / freej2me

A free J2ME emulator with libretro, awt and sdl2 frontends.
469 stars 72 forks source link

Porting to 3ds or nintendo switch #137

Closed BanhMi939 closed 2 years ago

BanhMi939 commented 2 years ago

Please port this awsome emulator to nintendo switch please please please

recompileorg commented 2 years ago

I'm glad you like the project. Unfortunately, porting to the Switch isn't exactly an afternoon project. FreeJ2ME isn't actually an emulator, all it really does is provide an appropriate environment for J2ME apps. It requires an existing JVM to run both itself and the games. This is fine if you want to run FreeJ2ME on an ordinary computer as Oracle has ported their JVM to all the major desktop and server operating systems. The Nintendo Switch and 3DS are not so lucky.

While I did find a project that attempted to write a JVM for the Switch, it's far from complete enough to run FreeJ2ME. It's also written in Python, which is an absurdly slow language. Not really the best choice if you want something fast enough to play games.

You want something like @XerTheSquirrel 's project, Squirrel JME. It should be much easier to port to the switch. It even has a libretro core. She also has a Patreon, which is a great way to help excellent projects like hers.

You can find her project on GitHub here: https://github.com/SquirrelJME/SquirrelJME

BanhMi939 commented 2 years ago

Thanks you for your explanation sir.