hex007 / freej2me

A free J2ME emulator with libretro, awt and sdl2 frontends.
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added opening URLs in system browser #163

Open vipaoL opened 1 year ago

vipaoL commented 1 year ago

Resolves #162

recompileorg commented 1 year ago

@vipaoL Welcome to the project! It's always good to see new contributors. A couple things:

@hex007 I'd like some additional opinions on this one. There is a security concern here, but it's minimal. I don't think any network stuff is functional now, which is why I haven't worried about it. Maybe an option to enable those features?

vipaoL commented 1 year ago

You can test this feature on this https://github.com/vipaoL/mobap-game/releases , there is a link to my github in "About".

I don't mind if you format the code in the style of the project, it will probably be better if the whole project is in the same style

vipaoL commented 1 year ago

JTube also uses it to open videos, but then we need the network working and also jsr75. I got the network working just copying related classes from microemu sources. Can i upload them later or is this not in line with the project principles? Jsr75 from microemu can be used for test, but i can't find sources of it

recompileorg commented 1 year ago

Can i upload them later or is this not in line with the project principles?

I'd prefer original code, even when the licenses are the same. The one nice thing about a project like this is that everything is very well documented. There isn't any reason not to make these things ourselves. It's tedious, but oddly rewarding. We're not the only J2ME project, and while we could borrow from one another, and we sometimes do, I think it's good to have a lot of diversity in projects like this.

I believe I have a lot of that stuff stubbed out already, so it should just be a matter of pulling up the javadocs and filling in what you need.

It's funny, I started this project because I got frustrated working on microemulator due to the convoluted things they liked to do. I've tried to keep this project as simple and straight-forward as can be managed. Things should happen in the obvious place for them to happen or it should be easy to find the thing you want to check or change. Anyhow, this project exists because I was trying to avoid dealing with code from microemualtor!

recompileorg commented 1 year ago

Jsr75 from microemu can be used for test, but i can't find sources of it

Some years ago I tried to resurrect microemulator. That's why this project exists. You're welcome to the mess: https://drichardson-shared.s3.amazonaws.com/microemu_src_ant_2017-7-10.zip It originally used an old version of Apache Maven which was a real pain. I got rid of that in favor of the much simpler ant, so you can build it the same way you build FreeJ2ME now. Hopefully, it has what you want.

JTube was pretty interesting. I had no idea there was a scene like that!

I've downloaded mobap-game I'll try to get to this soon.

hex007 commented 1 year ago

How about an opt in for supporting network? I dont know how performant that would end up to be.

Security should be fine as the servers working with these apps would anyways not be functional nor would any chance of malware. It is security by obsolescence :smile:

Will adding a networking layer be that useful? In terms of effort to benifit only. If so I don't think there is any issues with adding networking.

I am personally interested in Bluetooth support over internet

vipaoL commented 1 year ago

@hex007 I really want network support, but not for games. I am working on something like 'j2me subsystem' for linux phones. There are some useful j2me apps even nowadays. I think, the biggest problems on this way now are: network, pointerDragged() (for scrolling), text input and jsr-75

recompileorg commented 1 year ago

@hex007 I really want network support, but not for games. I am working on something like 'j2me subsystem' for linux phones. There are some useful j2me apps even nowadays. I think, the biggest problems on this way now are: network, pointerDragged() (for scrolling), text input and jsr-75

I'll add javax.microedition.lcdui to that, which needs quite a bit of work. My focus was on games, so much of what's done there is minimal and a bit hackish. I always intended to clean up the mess that is configuration once that was done. Not many games make use of those things, but I'll bet that many older applications do.

I think someone was working on pointerDragged not long ago. I'll see if I can find out what happened.

AShiningRay commented 1 year ago

I'll add javax.microedition.lcdui to that, which needs quite a bit of work. My focus was on games, so much of what's done there is minimal and a bit hackish. I always intended to clean up the mess that is configuration once that was done. Not many games make use of those things, but I'll bet that many older applications do.

I think someone was working on pointerDragged not long ago. I'll see if I can find out what happened.

I think that would be one of my pull requests, PR #157 to be more precise, which is linked to issues #156 and #158. Been a while since i had the time to check on this repo so i didn't even see if the status of that PR or my other ones changed, but i'll be available to make some adjustments in a few days. If there's anything that needs to be done on that PR, just leave a message there and i'll check soon!