hex007 / freej2me

A free J2ME emulator with libretro, awt and sdl2 frontends.
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Error: Unable to access jarfile FreeJ2ME.java #174

Closed falconczfi closed 6 months ago

falconczfi commented 1 year ago

If i launch sudo java -jar FreeJ2ME.jar i see this error.

AShiningRay commented 1 year ago

FreeJ2ME doesn't need to run as super user... is there any reason why you would need to run it like that instead of calling java -jar directly?

falconczfi commented 1 year ago

FreeJ2ME doesn't need to run as super user... is there any reason why you would need to run it like that instead of calling java -jar directly?

Sorry i am not experienced linux user. I dont even know how to launch java file.

recompileorg commented 1 year ago

It's probably a path issue. Try specifying the full path. If you're already in the same directory as the .jar file, you might need to specify that i.e. java -jar ./FreeJ2ME.jar

falconczfi commented 1 year ago

It's probably a path issue. Try specifying the full path. If you're already in the same directory as the .jar file, you might need to specify that i.e. java -jar ./FreeJ2ME.jar

It says Error: invalid or corrupt jarfile ./FreeJ2ME.java

AShiningRay commented 1 year ago

It's probably a path issue. Try specifying the full path. If you're already in the same directory as the .jar file, you might need to specify that i.e. java -jar ./FreeJ2ME.jar

It says Error: invalid or corrupt jarfile ./FreeJ2ME.java

You're trying to open a .java file (that's not built at all by Apache Ant, and the one available in the source code cannot be executed by itself), when you really need to open FreeJ2ME.jar instead.

falconczfi commented 1 year ago

It's probably a path issue. Try specifying the full path. If you're already in the same directory as the .jar file, you might need to specify that i.e. java -jar ./FreeJ2ME.jar

It says Error: invalid or corrupt jarfile ./FreeJ2ME.java

You're trying to open a .java file (that's not built at all by Apache Ant, and the one available in the source code cannot be executed by itself), when you really need to open FreeJ2ME.jar instead.

what i need to open for playing games in FreeJ2ME?

AShiningRay commented 1 year ago

It's probably a path issue. Try specifying the full path. If you're already in the same directory as the .jar file, you might need to specify that i.e. java -jar ./FreeJ2ME.jar

It says Error: invalid or corrupt jarfile ./FreeJ2ME.java

You're trying to open a .java file (that's not built at all by Apache Ant, and the one available in the source code cannot be executed by itself), when you really need to open FreeJ2ME.jar instead.

what i need to open for playing games in FreeJ2ME?

Let's go by steps:

Did you build freej2me first? If not, assuming you have a local copy of this repo, open a terminal on the root directory (the place that has the same file and folder layout that you see when you access this repository here on github).

Use the ant command on the terminal and it will build the jar file you need on a new build subfolder.

Get your terminal in there by using cd build and from then on try running: java -jar ./freej2me.jar. This will start freej2me and a dialog asking you to point to a J2ME jar file to open.

If it still doesn't work i have no idea what might be going on over there, as those steps are all that's needed to get it running.