hex007 / freej2me

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Various games problems. #205

Open Shadynsx opened 7 months ago

Shadynsx commented 7 months ago

Miami Nights don't start and I get a white screen.

In SimCity Deluxe and SimCity Metropolis I can't choose between sound off and on at the start because arrows work but the other keys Q. W. E. R and Enter don't seem to work. SimCity Societies works fine tho.

AShiningRay commented 7 months ago

On "Miami Nights - Singles In The City", i can reproduce that issue. Just a blank screen with multiple Canvas.repaint NullPointerExceptions in the console, no idea how to fix that at the moment (nor the time to dig deep unfortunately).

As for those SimCity games... have you tried changing the key layout from the default to Nokia's? Hit esc, go to "Phone" and change from "Standard" to "Nokia". I know that Deluxe needs that change to have all keys functioning, and the same probably goes for Metropolis.

Shadynsx commented 7 months ago

I had the Samsung version of the the two SimCity games. I have the Nokia version now and they work fine, thanks!