hexagon5un / AVR-Programming

Code examples for the book "Make: AVR Programming"
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issue building makefile on ubuntu #40

Open stoopkid33 opened 5 years ago

stoopkid33 commented 5 years ago

whenever i try to build any of the makefiles i get this error.

gcc: fatal error: input file ‘Makefile’ is the same as output file compilation terminated.

Q-Qaysaneah commented 5 years ago

try this command:

sudo apt-get install make gcc-avr binutils-avr avrdude avr-libc

then try again wish you good luck

stoopkid33 commented 5 years ago

No luck :/ still gives the same error

Q-Qaysaneah commented 5 years ago

Try to check the Makefile contents, actully i dont face this kind of issue before. But i think, if you install the packages in proper way it should work. And I dont have any other ideas ..

Phidelux commented 5 years ago

Are you trying to build your Makefile with gcc? That's how the message read for me.