hexagon5un / AVR-Programming

Code examples for the book "Make: AVR Programming"
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Lost the ability to receive bytes via USART by Chapter 9! #48

Closed dComposer closed 3 years ago

dComposer commented 3 years ago

Help! I'm still able to transmit bytes (my atmega168 is able to send text to my terminal) but I'm not able to send data from my terminal to my avr anymore. I first noticed this when I tried to run Chapter 9's reactionTimer.c so I'm wondering if maybe I have a bit set somewhere from a previous program that I need to clear? I've confirmed that my serial-usb connection is working (when I short the tx/rx wires together I can type on my terminal) but my avr isn't picking anything up in receiveByte(). I had all this working back in Chapter 5 so I don't know what could have changed since then. Thanks for any help!

dComposer commented 3 years ago

I tried:

In a last ditched effort after a week and a half of pulling my hair out, I finally just picked up the wire connected to the rxd pin and touched it directly to the chip's 2nd leg and it worked flawlessly. Turns out, after all that, my breadboard is busted! Of all the things! Anyway, closing the issue...