hexagram30 / language

A syntagmata and Markov chain language, word, and name generator for use in hexagram30 narratives
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Name the HexagramMUSH World #40

Open oubiwann opened 5 years ago

oubiwann commented 5 years ago
oubiwann commented 5 years ago

With the new code in place from #42, finally came up with a name for the world (note that the base languages contributing to the languages of the region are Lakota, Inuit, Dwarvish, Scottish Gaelic, Quenya, Old Norse, Finnish, Mongolian, Tibetan, Hawai'ian, and Maori):

(def peoples
  [{:word "titunwan"
    :weight 52}
   {:word "inuit"
    :weight 4}
   {:word "khazâd"
    :weight 3}
   {:word "dhaoine"
    :weight 3}
   {:word "quendi"
    :weight 1}
   {:word "þjóð"
    :weight 13}
   {:word "kansa"
    :weight 2}
   {:word "khümüüs"
    :weight 5}
   {:word "simeng"
    :weight 5}
   {:word "poʻe"
    :weight 3}
   {:word "iwi"
    :weight 9}])
[hxgm30.language.repl] λ=> (derive-words world)
[hxgm30.language.repl] λ=> (derive-words world 20)
[hxgm30.language.repl] λ=> (derive-words world 20 3)

That was example usage, but earlier in the development process the following were generated, at different stages:


And the winner was ... Ilunao

oubiwann commented 4 years ago

Slightly modified to be Îlunao