hexdump0815 / linux-mainline-mediatek-mt81xx-kernel

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How do I upgrade the kernel without reflashing? #16

Open shelterx opened 3 months ago

shelterx commented 3 months ago

Hey Hexdump!

Is there any way to upgrade the kernel without reflashing a new image

hexdump0815 commented 3 months ago

please have a look at https://github.com/hexdump0815/imagebuilder/blob/main/doc/installing-a-newer-kernel.md or https://github.com/hexdump0815/imagebuilder/blob/main/doc/building-own-kernels.md and maybe https://github.com/hexdump0815/imagebuilder/blob/main/doc/test-booting-a-kernel-on-chromebooks.txt too ... good luck

shelterx commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I tried the dd method to /dev/sda2 and made it so it should try to boot from that partition on the sd-card, it still seemed to boot from /dev/sda1, I got no indication that the boot failed from sda2 so I don't know if it even tried.

hexdump0815 commented 3 months ago

did you adjust the partition offset for the kernel you try to boot from the second partition? if not it might not find its root fs and falls back to booting the the first partition again in the end ... this might be interesting too in case you want to try booting with initrd: https://github.com/hexdump0815/imagebuilder/blob/e20a5dfbfa7105932941ec26bf7ff0e1cfcd8174/doc/install-to-emmc-with-luks-full-disk-encryption.txt#L233-L285