hexdump0815 / sonaremin-ng

sonaremin next generation :) - "vcvrack in a box" or "roll your own synth"
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No /dev/ttyUSB #2

Open jonathaneeckhout opened 3 years ago

jonathaneeckhout commented 3 years ago

First of all thanks for making this repo. It is great!

I am currently making a midi controller via arduino. This midi controller sends midi messages over serial. However this ubuntu version doesn't detect the connected ttyUSBx device.

Is this a bug or should I enable or install an extra module?

setup: raspberry pi3 + sonaremin ng arduino nano -> usb -> rbpi 3


hexdump0815 commented 3 years ago

thanks for the nice feedback.

there should be some ttyUSB, but i guess not for all converters - pl2303 is in, but there are some more and i guess you have one of those ... which one do you have?

best wishes - hexdump

jonathaneeckhout commented 3 years ago

Hey thanks for the response.

I am currently using an arduino nano. This one has a ch340 usb to serial chip on it. If I do a grep on my laptop which runs a regular ubuntu desktop and detects the device correctly I find the following drivers: /lib/modules/5.8.0-53-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/ch341.ko

Kind regards, Jonathan

hexdump0815 commented 3 years ago

oh yes - the ch340 driver is missing in the kernel of the sonaremin - i'll add it to the kernel and rebuild the kernel and image, but it might take a week or two or so ...

jonathaneeckhout commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks. Once it is there I'll test and verify it.

hexdump0815 commented 3 years ago

if you are comfortable with replacing the kernel in your sonaremin with a newer one, i have built one with ch34x support: https://github.com/hexdump0815/linux-mainline-and-mali-generic-stable-kernel/releases/tag/5.10.45-stb-av8%2B ... just switch your sonaremin into no_overlayroot mode (if not already done) - see: https://github.com/hexdump0815/sonaremin-ng/blob/main/systems/raspberry_pi_3/extra-files/boot/menu/extlinux.conf#L3-L5 (plus reboot) - then untar the new kernel in / and adjust the kernel version in /boot/menu/extlinux.conf ... otherwise i'll also build a new sonaremin image in a few days maye ...

good luck and best wishes - hexdump