hexgnu / linkedin

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
MIT License
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Does the API has stopped providing Connections #257

Open vanso-himesh opened 9 years ago

vanso-himesh commented 9 years ago

Initially I was able to retrive the connections of a user using the API . But recently I m getting 403 error permission denied . I google it and found that linkedin has stopped providing the connections through API. I just want to confirm the same and if its true what is the alernative to get connections

Thanks in advance

codeasice commented 8 years ago

I'm interested in this as well!

Thanks, -Cody

hexgnu commented 8 years ago

According to https://developer-programs.linkedin.com/documents/connections-api#

You can only retrieve connections of the current user you are authenticated with.

That means you can't get connections past that. So you can't just query whoever and get their connections.

codeasice commented 8 years ago

Thanks, good to know.

That's precisely what I'm wanting to do so it must be an issue on my end and I'll troubleshoot more.
