hexojs / hexo-renderer-markdown-it

Markdown-it is a Markdown parser, done right. A faster and CommonMark compliant alternative for Hexo.
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Markdown italics not rendering #179

Closed lorezyra closed 2 years ago

lorezyra commented 2 years ago

Am I missing something?

When I use make this _word_ italic it does not render with the <i> (<em>) HTML code. Seems like it's completely ignored. However bold text renders without issue.


tomap commented 2 years ago

Can you add a link to the specific markdown file with the issue?

lorezyra commented 2 years ago

All my markdown files have this issue. But here's an example file to review: https://github.com/lorezyra/blog.RichieBartlett.com/blob/Production/source/_posts/Money_%E7%B5%8C%E6%B8%88/100-000-You-Absolutely-Can-Be-Set-For-Life.md

More specifically: https://github.com/lorezyra/blog.RichieBartlett.com/blob/4574a1edc05255c9367a4838d2215042e05e1ecf/source/_posts/Money_%E7%B5%8C%E6%B8%88/100-000-You-Absolutely-Can-Be-Set-For-Life.md?plain=1#L34


Rendered on website: https://blog.richiebartlett.com/2022/0314/Money_%E7%B5%8C%E6%B8%88/100-000-You-Absolutely-Can-Be-Set-For-Life.html

lorezyra commented 2 years ago

Sometimes, I'm an idiot... I found the problem... it's in my CSS rules. The source code shows the correct HTML. But somewhere, the CSS is overriding it. Apologies for taking your time.