hexojs / hexo-renderer-markdown-it

Markdown-it is a Markdown parser, done right. A faster and CommonMark compliant alternative for Hexo.
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hexo-renderer-markdown-it can't render Multi-line LaTex Equation properly #64

Open fuhailin opened 5 years ago

fuhailin commented 5 years ago

"hexo-renderer-markdown-it": "^3.4.1" can't render Multi-line LaTex Equation properly.

After some searching, I found MathJax is the most powerful mathematical notation renderer, so I found "hexo-renderer-kramed": "^0.1.4".

I uninstall hexo-renderer-markdown-it and install hexo-renderer-kramed, Multi-line LaTex Equation display perfectly, but while installing hexo-renderer-markdown-it and hexo-renderer-kramed together, multi-line LaTex Equation can't display.

I guess hexo-renderer-markdown-it render LaTex conflicted with hexo-renderer-kramed. So how to disable default mathematical notation renderer in hexo-renderer-markdown-it and support MathJax.

stevenjoezhang commented 4 years ago

You only need to choose one between hexo-renderer-markdown-it and hexo-renderer-kramed. They are both markdown renderers.

MakerGYT commented 4 years ago

@fuhailin I also have this problem, Need to use four backslashes to escape newlines. You can try markdown-it-latex2img