hexojs / hexo

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
MIT License
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Bug in precedence of project image files over theme image files #3479

Closed prcolaco closed 1 year ago

prcolaco commented 5 years ago

Environment Info

Platform: Mac OSX v10.14.2

Node version(node -v): v10.14.2

Your site _config.yml (Optional): Not related

Your theme _config.yml (Optional): Not related

Hexo and Plugin version(npm ls --depth 0):

+-- hexo@3.8.0
+-- hexo-generator-archive@0.1.5
+-- hexo-generator-category@0.1.3
+-- hexo-generator-index@0.2.1
+-- hexo-generator-tag@0.2.0
+-- hexo-renderer-ejs@0.3.1
+-- hexo-renderer-marked@0.3.2
+-- hexo-renderer-scss@1.2.0
+-- hexo-renderer-stylus@0.3.3
`-- hexo-server@0.3.3

BUG Report

  1. BUG description In a project I am working on using hexo I installed a theme called Strata (https://github.com/livingos/hexo-theme-strata). This theme has an image at /themes/strata/source/images/bg.jpg and when I add a /source/images/bg.jpg it replaces the one in the theme with my projects image. This is the correct behaviour, right? Then I made some changes in the theme layouts and added another image /themes/strata/source/images/map.jpg and a substitute in my project in /source/images/map.jpg and this time it gets the one in the theme instead of the one in the project when generating... I suppose this is not the correct way to process the files, right? It seems that the precedence of files is kind of random... after that I designed a new favicon.ico and added it to the project /source/images/ folder and it worked, then after generate it stopped working and the original hexo favicon started to show again... really strange behaviour.

  2. The way to reproduce This is an intermittent problem. Seems that it works as expected first time (just while hexo server was already running), but after an hexo clean && hexo generate && hexo server it stops working.

  3. Log with hexo --debug

    10:07:01.238 DEBUG Writing database to /Users/xxx/Desktop/testprj/db.json
    10:07:01.255 DEBUG Hexo version: 3.8.0
    10:07:01.256 DEBUG Working directory: ~/Desktop/testprj/
    10:07:01.376 DEBUG Config loaded: ~/Desktop/testprj/_config.yml
    10:07:01.399 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-generator-archive
    10:07:01.401 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-generator-tag
    10:07:01.402 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-generator-index
    10:07:01.405 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-generator-category
    10:07:01.588 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-renderer-scss
    10:07:01.589 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-renderer-stylus
    10:07:01.594 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-renderer-marked
    10:07:01.598 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-renderer-ejs
    10:07:01.667 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-server
    10:07:01.669 DEBUG Loading database.
    10:07:01.690 INFO  Start processing
    10:07:01.718 DEBUG Processed: _posts/hello-world.md
    10:07:01.735 DEBUG Theme config loaded.
    10:07:01.737 DEBUG Processed: _config.yml
    10:07:01.737 DEBUG Processed: source/css/font-awesome.min.css
    10:07:01.737 DEBUG Processed: source/css/main.css
    10:07:01.737 DEBUG Processed: source/images/bg.jpg
    10:07:01.738 DEBUG Processed: source/images/avatar.jpg
    10:07:01.738 DEBUG Processed: source/images/no-map.jpg
    10:07:01.738 DEBUG Processed: source/js/main.js
    10:07:01.738 DEBUG Processed: source/js/skel.min.js
    10:07:01.738 DEBUG Processed: source/js/jquery.poptrox.min.js
    10:07:01.739 DEBUG Processed: source/js/util.js
    10:07:01.739 DEBUG Processed: source/sass/ie8.scss
    10:07:01.739 DEBUG Processed: source/sass/font-awesome.min.css
    10:07:01.739 DEBUG Processed: source/sass/main.scss
    10:07:01.742 DEBUG Processed: source/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
    10:07:01.742 DEBUG Processed: source/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
    10:07:01.743 DEBUG Processed: source/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
    10:07:01.743 DEBUG Processed: source/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
    10:07:01.743 DEBUG Processed: source/images/favicon.ico
    10:07:01.743 DEBUG Processed: source/js/jquery.min.js
    10:07:01.750 DEBUG Processed: layout/category.ejs
    10:07:01.750 DEBUG Processed: layout/layout.ejs
    10:07:01.750 DEBUG Processed: layout/archive.ejs
    10:07:01.750 DEBUG Processed: layout/page.ejs
    10:07:01.750 DEBUG Processed: layout/index.ejs
    10:07:01.750 DEBUG Processed: layout/post.ejs
    10:07:01.754 DEBUG Processed: images/map.jpg
    10:07:01.754 DEBUG Processed: source/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
    10:07:01.754 DEBUG Processed: source/images/fulls/03.jpg
    10:07:01.754 DEBUG Processed: source/images/fulls/01.jpg
    10:07:01.754 DEBUG Processed: source/images/fulls/02.jpg
    10:07:01.755 DEBUG Processed: source/images/fulls/04.jpg
    10:07:01.755 DEBUG Processed: source/images/fulls/05.jpg
    10:07:01.755 DEBUG Processed: source/images/fulls/06.jpg
    10:07:01.755 DEBUG Processed: source/images/thumbs/01.jpg
    10:07:01.756 DEBUG Processed: source/images/thumbs/03.jpg
    10:07:01.756 DEBUG Processed: source/images/thumbs/02.jpg
    10:07:01.756 DEBUG Processed: source/images/thumbs/04.jpg
    10:07:01.756 DEBUG Processed: source/images/thumbs/05.jpg
    10:07:01.756 DEBUG Processed: source/images/thumbs/06.jpg
    10:07:01.757 DEBUG Processed: source/js/ie/html5shiv.js
    10:07:01.757 DEBUG Processed: source/js/ie/respond.min.js
    10:07:01.757 DEBUG Processed: source/js/ie/backgroundsize.min.htc
    10:07:01.757 DEBUG Processed: source/js/ie/PIE.htc
    10:07:01.757 DEBUG Processed: source/sass/images/overlay.png
    10:07:01.764 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/after-footer.ejs
    10:07:01.764 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/article-page.ejs
    10:07:01.764 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/archive-post.ejs
    10:07:01.764 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/archive.ejs
    10:07:01.764 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/article-archive.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/article-index.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/article.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/contact-form.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/google-analytics.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/footer.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/head.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/header.ejs
    10:07:01.765 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/pagination.ejs
    10:07:01.768 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/post/comments.ejs
    10:07:01.768 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/post/meta.ejs
    10:07:01.768 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/post/gallery.ejs
    10:07:01.768 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/post/title.ejs
    10:07:01.768 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/post/category.ejs
    10:07:01.768 DEBUG Processed: layout/_partial/post/tags.ejs
    10:07:01.769 DEBUG Processed: source/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
    10:07:01.771 DEBUG Processed: images/bg.jpg
    10:07:01.772 DEBUG Processed: images/favicon.ico
    10:07:01.780 DEBUG Generator: page
    10:07:01.780 DEBUG Generator: post
    10:07:01.780 DEBUG Generator: archive
    10:07:01.780 DEBUG Generator: tag
    10:07:01.781 DEBUG Generator: index
    10:07:01.781 DEBUG Generator: category
    10:07:01.782 DEBUG Generator: asset
    10:07:01.785 INFO  Files loaded in 116 ms
    10:07:01.791 DEBUG Rendering post: hello-world/index.html
    10:07:01.896 DEBUG Rendering archive: archives/index.html
    10:07:01.903 DEBUG Rendering archive: archives/2019/index.html
    10:07:01.908 DEBUG Rendering archive: archives/2019/03/index.html
    10:07:01.913 DEBUG Rendering index: index.html
    10:07:01.974 INFO  0 files generated in 189 ms
    10:07:01.980 DEBUG Database saved
stevenjoezhang commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to reproduce the bug with Hexo@4.2.1 ? I tested it in the local environment (macOS 10.15 & Node.js 12) and no bugs appeared. Thanks.

See also https://github.com/ahonn/hexo-theme-even/issues/261

stevenjoezhang commented 1 year ago

I will close this Issue since it cannot be reproduced and has not received any new responses for a long time. This problem may be related to a race condition. If you can reproduce this issue on a newer version of Hexo, please feel free to let me know.