Closed KumaNNN closed 4 years ago
Please check followings before submitting a new issue.
hexo version
Node.js & npm version
node --version v12.18.1 npm --version 6.14.5
Your site _config.yml (Optional)
Your theme _config.yml (Optional)
Hexo and Plugin version(npm ls --depth 0)
npm ls --depth 0
+-- @hapi/hawk@8.0.0 +-- @hapi/sntp@4.0.0 +-- bcryptjs@2.4.3 +-- boom@7.3.0 +-- chokidar@3.4.1 +-- connect@3.7.0 +-- core-js@3.6.5 +-- cryptiles@4.1.3 +-- ejs@3.1.3 +-- gifsicle@5.1.0 +-- hexo@4.2.1 +-- hexo-abbrlink@2.2.1 +-- hexo-admin@2.3.0 +-- hexo-admonition@1.1.2 +-- hexo-all-minifier@0.5.3 +-- hexo-auto-category@0.2.0 +-- hexo-autolinker@1.0.1 +-- hexo-bilibili-bangumi@1.3.5 +-- hexo-deployer-git@2.1.0 +-- hexo-excerpt@1.1.6 +-- hexo-filter-flowchart@1.0.4 +-- hexo-filter-nofollow@2.0.2 +-- hexo-filter-sequence@1.0.3 +-- hexo-generator-archive@1.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-category@1.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-feed@2.2.0 +-- hexo-generator-index@1.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-json-content@4.2.3 +-- hexo-generator-restful@0.2.3 +-- hexo-generator-search@2.4.0 +-- hexo-generator-searchdb@1.3.2 +-- hexo-generator-sitemap@2.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-tag@1.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-topindex@0.3.0 +-- hexo-github-card@1.0.5 +-- hexo-include@1.1.0 +-- hexo-lazyload-image@1.0.9 +-- hexo-reference@1.0.4 +-- hexo-related-popular-posts@4.0.0 +-- hexo-renderer-ejs@1.0.0 +-- hexo-renderer-markdown-it@4.1.0 +-- hexo-renderer-stylus@1.1.0 +-- hexo-server@1.0.0 +-- hexo-symbols-count-time@0.7.1 +-- hexo-tag-demo@0.2.10 +-- hexo-tag-mmedia@0.1.6 +-- hexo-valkyr-url@1.1.0 +-- hoek@6.1.3 +-- imagemin-gifsicle@7.0.0 +-- minimatch@3.0.4 `-- object-assign@4.1.1
Your package.json package.json
注入器( 好像不工作,不存在hexo.extend.injector,我在插件或Script目录下使用如下代码 The injector doesn't seem to work. hexo.extend.injector doesn't exist. I use the following code in the plug-in or script directory
const css = hexo.extend.helper.get('css'); hexo.extend.injector.register('head_end', () => { return css('/css/hexo-admonition.css'); }, 'default');
返回错误 Retrun Error
... TypeError: Cannot read property 'register' of undefined ...
在代码中dump,未发现有injector对象 Debugging in code, no injector objects found.
Upgrade hexo to 5.0.0 first. Injector API is firstly introduced in Hexo 5.0.0.
Check List
Please check followings before submitting a new issue.
hexo version
to check)Question
Environment & Settings
Node.js & npm version
Your site
(Optional)Your theme
(Optional)Hexo and Plugin version(
npm ls --depth 0
)Your package.json
注入器( 好像不工作,不存在
,我在插件或Script目录下使用如下代码 The injector doesn't seem to work.hexo.extend.injector
doesn't exist. I use the following code in the plug-in or script directory返回错误 Retrun Error
对象 Debugging in code, noinjector
objects found.