hexojs / hexo

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
MIT License
39.3k stars 4.83k forks source link

hexo s 本地没问题,hexo d 部署到github后报错404呜呜 #4981

Closed 123321jobs closed 2 years ago

123321jobs commented 2 years ago

Check List

Please check followings before submitting a new issue.

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

How to reproduce?

Is the problem still there under "Safe mode"?


Environment & Settings

Node.js & npm version(node -v && npm -v)

v16.15.0. 8.10.0

Your site _config.yml (Optional)

## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/

# Site
title: Hexo
subtitle: ''
description: ''
author: John Doe
language: en
timezone: ''

## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as 'https://username.github.io/project'
url: http://example.com
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
  trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks
  trailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks

# Directory
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang

# Writing
new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts
default_layout: post
titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase

  field: site # Apply to the whole site
  exclude: ''
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
future: true
  enable: true
  line_number: true
  auto_detect: false
  tab_replace: ''
  wrap: true
  hljs: false
  enable: false
  preprocess: true
  line_number: true
  tab_replace: ''

# Home page setting
# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')
# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)
# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)
  path: ''
  per_page: 10
  order_by: -date

# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized

# Metadata elements
## https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta
meta_generator: true

# Date / Time format
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
time_format: HH:mm:ss
## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty'
updated_option: 'mtime'

# Pagination
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
per_page: 10
pagination_dir: page

# Include / Exclude file(s)
## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder

# Extensions
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: landscape

# Deployment
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/one-command-deployment
  type: git
  repo: git@github.com:123321jobs/boke.github.io.git
  branch: main```

**Hexo and Plugin version(`npm ls --depth 0`)**

Please paste the output between two "```" provided below

```hexo-site@0.0.0 /Users/oufukugou/Downloads/blog/blog
├── hexo-deployer-git@3.0.0
├── hexo-generator-archive@1.0.0
├── hexo-generator-category@1.0.0
├── hexo-generator-index@2.0.0
├── hexo-generator-tag@1.0.0
├── hexo-renderer-ejs@2.0.0
├── hexo-renderer-marked@5.0.0
├── hexo-renderer-stylus@2.1.0
├── hexo-server@3.0.0
├── hexo-theme-landscape@0.0.3
└── hexo@6.2.0

Your package.json package.json

  "name": "hexo-site",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "hexo generate",
    "clean": "hexo clean",
    "deploy": "hexo deploy",
    "server": "hexo server"
  "hexo": {
    "version": "6.2.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "hexo": "^6.2.0",
    "hexo-deployer-git": "^3.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-archive": "^1.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-category": "^1.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-index": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-tag": "^1.0.0",
    "hexo-renderer-ejs": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-renderer-marked": "^5.0.0",
    "hexo-renderer-stylus": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-server": "^3.0.0",
    "hexo-theme-landscape": "^0.0.3"

## Others

<!-- If you have other information. Please write here. -->/blog/source/_posts/My-New-Post.md    hello-world.md  test-my-stie.md!     but hexo d github, after that, no .md file 
stevenjoezhang commented 2 years ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/discussions/4978