hexojs / hexo

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
MIT License
38.82k stars 4.75k forks source link

[Bug 🐛] Table not shown when inside a quote #5494

Closed Dragon1573 closed 1 month ago

Dragon1573 commented 1 month ago

Check List

Expected behavior

When there's a table in a quote, the table should be rendered as normal.

GitHub - 问题:请使用 *Prophet* 对 `train_df` 数据建模,预测后 30 天的结果。并回答 1 月 20 日当天的预测结果是多少? > ```python > from fbprophet import Prophet > > model = Prophet() > model.fit(train_df) > pred_df = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=30, freq='D', include_history=False) > pred_df = model.predict(pred_df) > pred_df[['ds', 'yhat']] > ``` > > 通过以上的建模预测,我们可以得到如下表格: > > | ds | yhat | > |:----------:|:-----------:| > | 2015-12-22 | 3385.507108 | > | ...... | ...... | > | 2016-01-20 | 3426.449686 | > > 因此,1月20日当天的预测结果约为3426次。
Typora ![image](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/assets/49941141/73884e9d-1e0d-4bd3-9bc4-96107c0cd3bf)
Vuepress (with theme Vdoing) ![image](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/assets/49941141/4541d824-9068-48d1-9978-c6f386befbce)

Actual behavior

The table did not render as expected.

Hexo (with theme Butterfly) ![image](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/assets/49941141/6ef3edfc-5d40-45bd-9c39-0fa2fc880b32)

How to reproduce?

  1. Initialize an Hexo site with Yarnpkg v1.22 by yarn dlx hexo init.
  2. Switch to project directory, upgrade Yarnpkg to v4.22.0 with yarn set version berry && yarn set version latest.
  3. Install hexo-theme-butterfly and switch to this theme in _config.yml.
  4. Create a new post and paste following contents.
  5. Try build the site.
  6. Deploy public/ folder with any web server, visit the post. You may reproduce this issue.
- 问题:请使用 *Prophet* 对 `train_df` 数据建模,预测后 30 天的结果。并回答 1 月 20 日当天的预测结果是多少?

  > ```python
  > from fbprophet import Prophet
  > model = Prophet()
  > model.fit(train_df)
  > pred_df = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=30, freq='D', include_history=False)
  > pred_df = model.predict(pred_df)
  > pred_df[['ds', 'yhat']]
  > ```
  > 通过以上的建模预测,我们可以得到如下表格:
  > |     ds     |    yhat     |
  > |:----------:|:-----------:|
  > | 2015-12-22 | 3385.507108 |
  > |   ......   |   ......    |
  > | 2016-01-20 | 3426.449686 |
  > 因此,1月20日当天的预测结果约为3426次。

Is the problem still there under Safe mode?

Nope. Hexo will not compile my posts under "Safe mode".

Your Node.js & npm version

22:51:38 D:\...\hexo-blog  [butterfly ≡ +0 ~5 -0 !] 1ms pwsh> echo "Node version $(node -v), NPM version $(npm -v), Yarnpkg version $(yarn -v)"
Node version v22.2.0, NPM version 10.5.2, Yarnpkg version 4.2.2

Your Hexo and Plugin version

22:54:25 D:\...\hexo-blog  [butterfly ≡ +0 ~5 -0 !] 1ms pwsh> npm ls --depth 0
hexo-site@0.0.0 D:\Repository\hexo-blog
├── hexo-asset-img@1.1.0
├── hexo-filter-nofollow@2.0.2
├── hexo-generator-archive@2.0.0
├── hexo-generator-category@2.0.0
├── hexo-generator-feed@3.0.0
├── hexo-generator-index@3.0.0
├── hexo-generator-searchdb@1.4.1
├── hexo-generator-sitemap@3.0.1
├── hexo-generator-tag@2.0.0
├── hexo-renderer-ejs@2.0.0
├── hexo-renderer-kramed@0.1.4
├── hexo-renderer-pug@3.0.0
├── hexo-renderer-stylus@3.0.1
├── hexo-server@3.0.0
├── hexo-theme-butterfly@4.13.0
├── hexo-theme-landscape@1.0.0
├── hexo-wordcount@6.0.1
└── hexo@7.2.0

22:54:28 D:\...\hexo-blog  [butterfly ≡ +0 ~5 -0 !] 1.047s pwsh> yarn info hexo-site
└─ hexo-site@workspace:.
   ├─ Version: 0.0.0
   └─ Dependencies
      ├─ hexo-asset-img@npm:^1.1.0 → npm:1.1.0
      ├─ hexo-filter-nofollow@npm:^2.0.2 → npm:2.0.2
      ├─ hexo-generator-archive@npm:^2.0.0 → npm:2.0.0
      ├─ hexo-generator-category@npm:^2.0.0 → npm:2.0.0
      ├─ hexo-generator-feed@npm:^3.0.0 → npm:3.0.0
      ├─ hexo-generator-index@npm:^3.0.0 → npm:3.0.0
      ├─ hexo-generator-searchdb@npm:^1.4.1 → npm:1.4.1
      ├─ hexo-generator-sitemap@npm:^3.0.1 → npm:3.0.1
      ├─ hexo-generator-tag@npm:^2.0.0 → npm:2.0.0
      ├─ hexo-renderer-ejs@npm:^2.0.0 → npm:2.0.0
      ├─ hexo-renderer-kramed@npm:^0.1.4 → npm:0.1.4
      ├─ hexo-renderer-pug@npm:^3.0.0 → npm:3.0.0
      ├─ hexo-renderer-stylus@npm:^3.0.1 → npm:3.0.1
      ├─ hexo-server@npm:^3.0.0 → npm:3.0.0
      ├─ hexo-theme-butterfly@npm:^4.13.0 → npm:4.13.0
      ├─ hexo-theme-landscape@npm:^1.0.0 → npm:1.0.0
      ├─ hexo-wordcount@npm:^6.0.1 → npm:6.0.1
      └─ hexo@npm:^7.2.0 → npm:7.2.0

Your package.json

  "name": "hexo-site",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "hexo generate",
    "clean": "hexo clean",
    "rebuild": "yarn run clean && yarn run build",
    "server": "hexo server"
  "hexo": {
    "version": "7.2.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "hexo": "^7.2.0",
    "hexo-asset-img": "^1.1.0",
    "hexo-filter-nofollow": "^2.0.2",
    "hexo-generator-archive": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-category": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-feed": "^3.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-index": "^3.0.0",
    "hexo-generator-searchdb": "^1.4.1",
    "hexo-generator-sitemap": "^3.0.1",
    "hexo-generator-tag": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-renderer-ejs": "^2.0.0",
    "hexo-renderer-kramed": "^0.1.4",
    "hexo-renderer-pug": "^3.0.0",
    "hexo-renderer-stylus": "^3.0.1",
    "hexo-server": "^3.0.0",
    "hexo-theme-butterfly": "^4.13.0",
    "hexo-theme-landscape": "^1.0.0",
    "hexo-wordcount": "^6.0.1"
  "packageManager": "yarn@4.2.2"

Your site's _config.yml (Optional)

# Hexo Configuration
## Docs: https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/

# 网站(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E7%BD%91%E7%AB%99)
title: ***Masked***
subtitle: ***Masked***
description: ***Masked***
  - Hexo
  - Knowledge
author: ***Masked***
language: zh-CN
timezone: "Asia/Hong_Kong"
email: ***Masked***

# 网址(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E7%BD%91%E5%9D%80)
## 如果您的网站存放在子目录中,例如 http://example.com/blog,则:
# 请将您的 url 设为 http://example.com/blog
url: ***Masked***
# 并把 root 设为 /blog/
root: ***Masked***
permalink: :title/
  trailing_index: false # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks
  trailing_html: false # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks

# 目录(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95)
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang

# 文章(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0)
new_post_name: :title.md
default_layout: post
auto_spacing: true
titlecase: false
  enable: true
  field: site
  exclude: ""
filename_case: 1
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: true # 资源文件夹(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/asset-folders#%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E8%B5%84%E6%BA%90%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E5%A4%B9)
relative_link: false
future: false
syntax_highlighter: prismjs # 代码块 > 代码高亮(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/syntax-highlight)
highlight: # 代码块 > 代码高亮(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/syntax-highlight#Highlight-js)
  line_number: true
  auto_detect: true
  tab_replace: "    "
  wrap: false
  hljs: false
prismjs: # 代码块 > 代码高亮(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/syntax-highlight#PrismJS)
  preprocess: true
  line_number: true
  tab_replace: "    "

# Homepage Configuration
  # path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')
  path: ""
  # per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)
  per_page: 5
  # order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)
  order_by: -date

# 分类 & 标签(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E5%88%86%E7%B1%BB-%E6%A0%87%E7%AD%BE)
default_category: uncategorized

# Metadata elements
## https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta
meta_generator: true

# 日期 / 时间格式
## Hexo 使用 Moment.js 来解析和显示时间。
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
time_format: HH:mm:ss
## 当 Front Matter 中没有指定 updated 时,updated 如何取值:
## - mtime: 使用文件的最后修改时间。这是从 Hexo 3.0.0 开始的默认行为。
## - date: 使用 date 作为 updated 的值。可被用于 Git 工作流之中,因为使用 Git 管理站点时,文件的最后修改日期常常会发生改变
## - empty: 直接删除 updated。使用这一选项可能会导致大部分主题和插件无法正常工作。
updated_option: "date"

# 分页(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E5%88%86%E9%A1%B5)
per_page: 5
pagination_dir: page

# 扩展(https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95)
## 插件: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## 主题: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: butterfly

## 包括或不包括目录和文件
## (https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/configuration#%E5%8C%85%E6%8B%AC%E6%88%96%E4%B8%8D%E5%8C%85%E6%8B%AC%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95%E5%92%8C%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6)
include: []
exclude: []
ignore: []

## Kramed 插件配置
  gfm: true
  pedantic: false
  sanitize: false
  tables: true
  breaks: true
  smartLists: true
  smartypants: true

## 搜索配置
  path: search.xml
  field: post
  content: true
  format: html

## RSS源插件配置
  enable: true
  type: atom
  path: atom.xml
  limit: 20
  content_limit: 140
  content_limit_delim: " "
  order_by: -date
  icon: icon.png
  autodiscovery: true

## SEO/外链流失防护插件
  enable: true
  field: site
  exclude: []

## 站点地图插件
    - sitemap.xml
    - sitemap.txt
  # template: ./sitemap_template.xml
  # template_txt: ./sitemap_template.txt
  rel: false
  tags: true
  categories: true


No response

Dragon1573 commented 1 month ago

Generate as normal

```text 23:01:45 D:\...\hexo-blog [butterfly ≡ +0 ~5 -0 !] 1ms pwsh> yarn hexo generate INFO Validating config INFO =================================================================== ##### # # ##### ##### ###### ##### ###### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### #### # # ###### # # # ###### # 4.13.0 =================================================================== INFO Start processing INFO Files loaded in 2.42 s INFO Generated: sitemap.txt INFO Generated: link/index.html INFO Generated: categories/index.html INFO Generated: sitemap.xml INFO Generated: tags/index.html INFO Generated: atom.xml INFO Generated: search.xml INFO Generated: 404.html INFO Generated: categories/技术杂谈/index.html INFO Generated: archives/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/index.html INFO Generated: categories/机器学习/index.html INFO Generated: tags/git/index.html INFO Generated: tags/python/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/index.html INFO Generated: tags/pyinstaller/index.html INFO Generated: tags/nodejs/index.html INFO Generated: tags/numpy/index.html INFO Generated: tags/vscode/index.html INFO Generated: tags/pillow/index.html INFO Generated: tags/jupyter/index.html INFO Generated: tags/docker/index.html INFO Generated: tags/selenium/index.html INFO Generated: tags/函数式编程/index.html INFO Generated: tags/dev-containers/index.html INFO Generated: img/404.jpg INFO Generated: img/favicon.png INFO Generated: index.html INFO Generated: img/friend_404.gif INFO Generated: js/main.js INFO Generated: js/search/algolia.js INFO Generated: css/index.css INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230121918038.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013230313100.png INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/lambda-expressions/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111140026943.png INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: categories/机器学习/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: tags/python/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: categories/技术杂谈/page/3/index.html INFO Generated: tags/函数式编程/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: page/3/index.html INFO Generated: css/var.css INFO Generated: archives/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230195235858.png INFO Generated: js/tw_cn.js INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230195905131.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111235915025.png INFO Generated: js/utils.js INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/recursive/index.html INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230200544195.png INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230201457972.png INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230195559943.png INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/purity-first-class-entity-invariance/index.html INFO Generated: archives/page/4/index.html INFO Generated: archives/page/3/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/page/5/index.html INFO Generated: archives/page/6/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/page/4/index.html INFO Generated: archives/page/7/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/page/6/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/page/3/index.html INFO Generated: archives/page/5/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/page/7/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/page/3/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/page/4/index.html INFO Generated: categories/技术杂谈/page/2/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/page/5/index.html INFO Generated: categories/机器学习/page/3/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/page/7/index.html INFO Generated: page/2/index.html INFO Generated: page/4/index.html INFO Generated: archives/2024/05/page/6/index.html INFO Generated: tags/python/page/3/index.html INFO Generated: page/6/index.html INFO Generated: categories/机器学习/page/4/index.html INFO Generated: page/7/index.html INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/index.html INFO Generated: page/5/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/lazy-eval/index.html INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013231007517.png INFO Generated: skill/python/fake-boolean/image-20221011001516306.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-5/Examine-5-01.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013230433745.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013231053159.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221112001247635.png INFO Generated: skill/python/bundle-spider-to-one-executable/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/nine-numbers/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/op-as-func-partial-func-currying/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/tools-in-list-processing/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/jupyter-notebook-switch-default-shell/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/debugging-with-pdb/index.html INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013215032338.png INFO Generated: skill/python/fp/high-level-functions-and-decorators/index.html INFO Generated: skill/git/sparse-checkout/image-20221230201133024.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013214848468.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013225549826.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111134019073.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-8/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/fake-boolean/index.html INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/index.html INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-9/index.html INFO Generated: js/search/local-search.js INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-7/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-8/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-9/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-6/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-5/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-6/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-3/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-4/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-7/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-2/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-1/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-3/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-1/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-2/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-4/index.html INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013213504407.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111140614228.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-9/uid214893-20190505-1557033552596.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/challenge-7/Challenge-7-01.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-5/index.html INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-9/uid214893-20190505-1557033587970.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-9/uid214893-20190505-1557033583749.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111224514196.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-9/uid214893-20190505-1557033590996.png INFO Generated: ml/lanqiao/examine-9/uid214893-20190505-1557033673417.png INFO Generated: images/index-title.jpg INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013230753903.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111134557473.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111222013000.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013231116766.png INFO Generated: skill/python/fake-boolean/image-20221011000858341.png INFO Generated: skill/vscode/devcontainers/image-20221013230240383.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111231833088.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111234751134.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111233653005.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111233426248.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111140519358.png INFO Generated: images/404.png INFO Generated: skill/python/tencent-exmail-with-selenium/image-20221111140432449.png INFO 144 files generated in 1.43 s ```

Generate under "Safe mode"

```text 23:00:18 D:\...\hexo-blog [butterfly ≡ +0 ~5 -0 !] 1ms pwsh> yarn hexo generate --safe INFO Validating config INFO Start processing INFO Files loaded in 137 ms INFO Generated: link/index.md INFO Generated: img/favicon.png INFO Generated: css/var.styl INFO Generated: categories/index.md INFO Generated: tags/index.md INFO Generated: img/404.jpg INFO Generated: css/index.styl INFO Generated: img/friend_404.gif INFO Generated: js/tw_cn.js INFO Generated: js/search/algolia.js INFO Generated: js/utils.js INFO Generated: js/main.js INFO Generated: js/search/local-search.js INFO Generated: images/index-title.jpg INFO Generated: images/404.png INFO 15 files generated in 29 ms ```
Dragon1573 commented 1 month ago

🛠️ Temporary walkaround

Rewrite the table with HTML syntax directly.

- 问题:请使用 *Prophet* 对 `train_df` 数据建模,预测后 30 天的结果。并回答 1 月 20 日当天的预测结果是多少?

  > ```python
  > from fbprophet import Prophet
  > model = Prophet()
  > model.fit(train_df)
  > pred_df = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=30, freq='D', include_history=False)
  > pred_df = model.predict(pred_df)
  > pred_df[['ds', 'yhat']]
  > ```
  > 通过以上的建模预测,我们可以得到如下表格:
  > <table style="text-align: center;">
  >     <thead>
  >         <tr><th>ds</th><th>yhat</th></tr>
  >     </thead>
  >     <tbody>
  >         <tr><td>2015-12-22</td><td>3385.507108</td></tr>
  >         <tr><td>......</td><td>......</td></tr>
  >         <tr><td>2016-01-20</td><td>3426.449686</td></tr>
  >     </tbody>
  > </table>
  > 因此,1月20日当天的预测结果约为3426次。


uiolee commented 1 month ago

Can't reproduce. it works as expected.


uiolee commented 1 month ago

I didn't find hexo-renderer-marked, hexo-renderer-markdown-it, hexo-renderer-pandoc in your package.json. Maybe you are using another markdown renderer, then the problem is probably caused by your markdown renderer. This is not a problem with hexo

Dragon1573 commented 1 month ago

I've changed my package.json to hexo-renderer-markdown-it. Unable to reproduce either. Seems this is caused by hexo-renderer-kramed.

Thanks for your help ❤️

Markdown content ```markdown # 时间序列分析应用练习 ## 数据集 - 下载地址:[阿里云 OSS 服务](https://labfile.oss.aliyuncs.com/courses/1283/wiki_machine_learning.csv) - 来源:维基百科特定词条每日浏览量 ## Prophet 建模预测 在 *Pandas* 中,数据集的时间字段会默认以 `object` 数据类型载入,需要调用 `pandas.to_datetime()` 函数将字段转换为可用于时间计算的 `datetime` 数据类型。 - 问题:请使用 *Prophet* 对 `train_df` 数据建模,预测后 30 天的结果。并回答 1 月 20 日当天的预测结果是多少? > ```python > from fbprophet import Prophet > > model = Prophet() > model.fit(train_df) > pred_df = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=30, freq='D', include_history=False) > pred_df = model.predict(pred_df) > pred_df[['ds', 'yhat']] > ``` > > 通过以上的建模预测,我们可以得到如下表格: > > | ds | yhat | > |:----------:|:-----------:| > | 2015-12-22 | 3385.507108 | > | ...... | ...... | > | 2016-01-20 | 3426.449686 | > > 因此,1月20日当天的预测结果约为3426次。 ```
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Screenshots ![image](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/assets/49941141/4a40175d-fe14-4ee5-8fea-eaf462f44ef3)