Closed htynkn closed 10 years ago
2.6 以后 核心模块把渲染插件给去掉了..你需要单独安装.. 看2.6 的发布说明...
@youxiachai 感谢你的回复,我安装文档安装了所需要三个render。我之前没有安装render的时候hexo g
我目前的情况是运行hexo g
之后它可以正常执行,但是在RENDER TAG之后就像卡住了一样。等待也是没有用处的,我只能强行终止。
hexo init
npm install
hexo g
Try to run it again in debug mode.
@tommy351 Yes,I have used debug mode. The output is
[debug] 12:52:11.051 Config file loaded
[debug] 12:52:11.056 Updating package.json version
[debug] 12:52:11.057 Hexo was just updated. Deleting old cache database.
[debug] 12:52:11.057 Version info checked successfully
[debug] 12:52:11.097 Plugin loaded successfully: hexo-generator-feed
[debug] 12:52:11.100 Plugin loaded successfully: hexo-generator-sitemap
[debug] 12:52:11.110 Plugin loaded successfully: hexo-renderer-ejs
[debug] 12:52:11.120 Plugin loaded successfully: hexo-renderer-marked
[debug] 12:52:11.204 Plugin loaded successfully: hexo-renderer-stylus
[debug] 12:52:11.206 Script load successfully: fancybox.js
[debug] 12:52:11.278 Processed: scripts/fancybox.js
[debug] 12:52:11.285 Processed: source/css/_base/code.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.285 Processed: source/css/_base/font.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.285 Processed: source/css/_base/public.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.286 Processed: source/css/_base/variable.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.286 Processed: source/css/_partial/article.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.286 Processed: source/css/_partial/aside.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.286 Processed: source/css/_partial/duoshuo.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.286 Processed: source/css/_partial/footer.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.287 Processed: source/css/_partial/gallery.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.287 Processed: source/css/_partial/header.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.287 Processed: source/css/_partial/helper.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.287 Processed: source/css/_partial/index.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.298 Processed: source/font/FontAwesome.otf
[debug] 12:52:11.299 Processed: source/font/coveredbyyourgrace-webfont.eot
[debug] 12:52:11.299 Processed: source/font/coveredbyyourgrace-webfont.svg
[debug] 12:52:11.300 Processed: source/font/coveredbyyourgrace-webfont.ttf
[debug] 12:52:11.300 Processed: source/font/coveredbyyourgrace-webfont.woff
[debug] 12:52:11.301 Processed: source/font/fontawesome-webfont.eot
[debug] 12:52:11.302 Processed: source/font/fontawesome-webfont.svg
[debug] 12:52:11.302 Processed: source/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
[debug] 12:52:11.303 Processed: source/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff
[debug] 12:52:11.304 Processed: source/img/apple.png
[debug] 12:52:11.305 Processed: source/img/favicon.ico
[debug] 12:52:11.305 Processed: source/js/jquery-2.1.0.min.js
[debug] 12:52:11.306 Processed: source/css/style.styl
[debug] 12:52:11.320 Processed: source/fancybox/blank.gif
And it stop at here
[debug] 13:02:28.051 Render tag: tags/加速/
[debug] 13:02:28.051 Render tag: tags/MiniCluster/
[debug] 13:02:28.051 Render tag: tags/NuGet/
[debug] 13:02:28.051 Render tag: tags/Vagrant/
[debug] 13:02:28.051 Render tag: tags/开源数据挖掘/
[debug] 13:02:28.052 Render tag: tags/ARFF格式/
[debug] 13:02:28.052 Render tag: tags/数据预处理/
[debug] 13:02:28.052 Render tag: tags/OneR/
[debug] 13:02:28.052 Render tag: tags/分类算法/
[debug] 13:02:28.052 Render tag: tags/链波下降规则/
[debug] 13:02:28.052 Render tag: tags/RDR/
I change multi_thread setting in _config.yml
to false.
After exec hexo g --debug
and hexo exited directly after Render tag but don't create files.
Ok,thanks all of your two guys.
I spent three hours on this problem and didn't find why.
So I change back to my ubuntu pc,it works well after update hexo to 2.7.1.
Maybe there are some errors on Mac.
I don't sure it is a issue or not. I use 2.5.7 before and yesterday I update hexo to 2.7.1.
Everything seems good,such as
hexo s
etc.But when I exechexo g
,it stop atRender Tag
and don't create static file.I think the post file is right because
hexo server
works well.Can anyone tell me a possible way to solve this problem?
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