hexojs / site

The website for Hexo. https://hexo.io/
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Publishing navy theme #1252

Open noraj opened 4 years ago

noraj commented 4 years ago


The navy theme is awesome and is one of the best hexo theme and also one of the best documentation theme for all staticgen.

It would be great to publish it under its own repository and add it to https://hexo.io/themes/.

Related issues

SukkaW commented 4 years ago

Navy theme is especially designed for Hexo's website and can not be published separately.

If you are interested on writing documents on Hexo, recently I have start a new Hexo theme called Doku which is specially designed for writing documents.

noraj commented 4 years ago

can not be published separately.

I looked at the source and there are very few changes to do so it can be generic.

If you are interested on writing documents on Hexo, recently I have start a new Hexo theme called Doku which is specially designed for writing documents.


curbengh commented 4 years ago

If the theme can be made generic enough without changing the current "source/" folder, then it could be viable. Meaning it should be possible to use Navy theme as a submodule for this repo, so that we don't end up having two Navy themes.

Some layout like the homepage is not generic at all.

index.swig is tightly integrated to index.pug, need documentation on how to use replace index.pug with ejs or even swig.

Another example is,


It's possible to move above lines to config as an array.

share.swig and netlify logo are not generic.

Suggestions on how to make them generic are welcomed.

dumindu commented 4 years ago

@SukkaW @noraj @curbengh even gorm.io uses the same theme. I am also using the same theme with small modifications in learning-rust.github.io.

I removed extra component and created a minimal doc setup in https://github.com/dumindu/hexo_site (Just skip README btw).

I tested all docusaurus 2, google/docsy, Gitbook but the navy theme is the best theme I have seen for docs. If we can add a dark theme support, this will be the best and easy to use documentation site creator without any competition.

cxplay commented 2 years ago

I agree.

Greetings from a year later.🤣

stevenjoezhang commented 2 months ago

The pug template has been removed in https://github.com/hexojs/site/pull/2055, but many pages of the Navy theme still require a large amount of HTML code to work. Transforming it into a universal theme for documentation websites still poses a challenge.