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Japanese translation of the documentation #2150

Closed KentarouTakeda closed 3 months ago

KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago

Hi there!

I am a native Japanese speaker currently working on translating the Hexo documentation into Japanese.

Since the translation is still in progress, I am submitting this as a draft pull request to keep everyone informed about my work. This pull request is ready to review and closes #2151 .

Translation Process


All completed.

Records until completion *updated: 2024-03-23T03:01:13+09:00* *updated: 2024-03-23T14:32:12+0900: done: api - core https://github.com/hexojs/site/pull/2150/commits/e4407e64bd8df02fe154056339e453f5c03d7077* *updated: 2024-03-23T21:41:14+0900: done: api - extensions https://github.com/hexojs/site/pull/2150/commits/f2e7d22b6da13befb8482d9cb5c599d2611e72e6* *updated: 2024-03-24T14:07:02+0900 done: api - deployment https://github.com/hexojs/site/pull/2150/commits/6e6b349b897b6393638ad305bffd66114bc42ceb* *updated: 2024-03-24T16:11:40+0900 wip: docs - customization https://github.com/hexojs/site/pull/2150/commits/be8142d2398c3b3879cc5a5e1d1d84b41c63c625* *updated: 2024-03-24T19:16:40+0900 done: docs - customization https://github.com/hexojs/site/pull/2150/commits/2778119b36b3b06ac59fca6881e5b976cf401b94* Unchecked pages are machine translations. Although the meaning is understandable, there may be some unnatural expressions. The checked pages have been proofread by me and are considered "ready to review". * [x] ja.yml * [x] index.md * docs: * getting_started: * [x] overview: index.md * [x] setup: setup.md * [x] configuration: configuration.md * [x] commands: commands.md * [x] migration: migration.md * basic_usage: * [x] writing: writing.md * [x] front_matter: front-matter.md * [x] tag_plugins: tag-plugins.md * [x] asset_folders: asset-folders.md * [x] data_files: data-files.md * [x] server: server.md * [x] generating: generating.md * deployment: * [x] github_pages: github-pages.md * [x] gitlab_pages: gitlab-pages.md * [x] one_command_deployment: one-command-deployment.md * customization: * [x] permalinks: permalinks.md * [x] themes: themes.md * [x] templates: templates.md * [x] variables: variables.md * [ ] helpers: helpers.md * [x] internationalization: internationalization.md * [x] syntax_highlight: syntax-highlight.md * [x] plugins: plugins.md * miscellaneous: * [x] troubleshooting: troubleshooting.md * [x] contributing: contributing.md * api: * core: * [x] overview: index.md * [x] events: events.md * [x] locals: locals.md * [x] router: router.md * [x] box: box.md * [x] rendering: rendering.md * [x] posts: posts.md * [x] scaffolds: scaffolds.md * [x] themes: themes.md * extensions: * [x] console: console.md * [x] deployer: deployer.md * [x] filter: filter.md * [x] generator: generator.md * [x] helper: helper.md * [x] injector: injector.md * [x] migrator: migrator.md * [x] processor: processor.md * [x] renderer: renderer.md * [x] tag: tag.md

You can see the change set for only the translation, not the entire pull request, from here.

Check List

Please read and check followings before submitting a PR.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Theme name validation passed. Theme thumbnails validation completed.

KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago

@yoshinorin レビューありがとうございます!このコメントより上の箇所は、一通り修正させて頂きました。 なかなかの分量なので、何れもお時間のある時で大丈夫です!


同じ理由で私も迷っている箇所があります。見出しは原語にしたいが文中だと浮いてしまう、等。 加えて、カタカナ語の末尾長音の有無やそれが現時点で不統一になってしまっている箇所などもあるので、作業の終盤や終了後にざっと見直したほうが良さそう、と感じています。もちろんそれより前に指摘いただいても大丈夫です。


KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago

I have finished the work I had planned. So, I canceled the draft, set #2151 to close, and updated the body of the pull request.

However, there may still be issues with the selection and unification of some words.

yoshinorin commented 3 months ago

@KentarouTakeda post, page の翻訳についてご意見ください。ドキュメントによって若干のばらつきはありますが、今はおおよそ以下のように翻訳されていると思います。



KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago


  • post: 記事
  • page: ページ


一旦これで見直してみます。問題なく統一できたらpushします。 (articleとpostで訳が被る点、Hexoにおけるpostなのかpageなにか一意に定まらない文脈、など幾つか不安な箇所が思い浮かぶのですが、多分調整できると思います)

KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago
@yoshinorin Original Before After
post 投稿 記事
page 記事 ページ
article 記事 記事 / 記事やページ



D-Sketon commented 3 months ago

I'm not good at Japanese, all I can do is review the styles and links.

KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago

Thanks to a nice suggestion from @D-Sketon , where the link destination was changed to Japanese text, I also changed the anchor text to use the Japanese text of the link destination!

D-Sketon commented 3 months ago

maybe .github/labeler.yml also needs to be added ja like this: https://github.com/hexojs/site/blob/4adb1d3811af8a59eaedd0c3104a87fe5f101538/.github/labeler.yml#L38-L41

KentarouTakeda commented 3 months ago

Thanks all!

