hexpm / hex

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rebar3_auto - the package in HEX contains module which does not exist in the rebar3_auto repository #1006

Closed brigadier closed 7 months ago

brigadier commented 7 months ago

This is the rebar3_auto repo https://github.com/vans163/rebar3_auto/tree/master/src https://github.com/vans163/rebar3_auto/tree/v0.3.3/src In the hex.pm it contains one more empty module - lol.erl which contains


Do you have any idea how this modulre happened to be there?

wojtekmach commented 7 months ago

If such file was present in the project directory at the time of building the package it would be included in the package. Mix/rebar3 packages what is on the file system, not what’s in git. Impossible to say for sure without looking at local build log at the time of publishing the package.