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Show warning when an old ex_doc version is used. #1011

Closed jannikbecher closed 6 months ago

jannikbecher commented 6 months ago


This is a feature request from @zachdaniel to remind package maintainers to use the latest ex_doc version.

wojtekmach commented 6 months ago

My understanding was Jose suggested to check version when generating the docs and not when publishing them. That is, check in ExDoc and not in Hex.

Could you send a PR to ExDoc instead?

Credo used to and perhaps still has a similar version check.

A more efficient way to test is :hex_repo.get_package, https://hexdocs.pm/hex_core/hex_repo.html#get_package/2.

I’m not sure we should add hex_core to ExDoc, I’d like to keep deps to minimum. We can start there and see what the feedback is. We can always cheat and use hex core that is vendored with Hex, :mix_hex_repo.