hexpm / hex

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Bug on dependency resolution for package published on 2/29 #1018

Closed chrismccord closed 4 months ago

chrismccord commented 5 months ago

phoenix_html 4.1.0 was published yesterday and users (including myself) are unable to resolve deps with {:phoenix_html, "~> 4.1"}:

Because your app depends on phoenix_html ~> 4.1 which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed.
** (Mix) Hex dependency resolution failed

Publishing the same package again today as 4.1.1 fixed this issue, but I am not sure what happened.

ericmj commented 4 months ago

I am guessing this was some kind of CDN issue, perhaps with cache purging. These are generally hard to investigate since geographic location will give you different results. I didn't see any logged errors around this time that would be related to this.

Hopefully this was a one off issue, but will monitor to see if it happens again. Thanks for the report Chris!