hexpm / hex

Package manager for the Erlang ecosystem.
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Inspect message is printed on failed compability check #1020

Closed AndrewDryga closed 4 months ago

AndrewDryga commented 4 months ago

Had a typo with a version and saw that Hex prints an inspect of Incompatibility struct:

Resolving Hex dependencies...
#Incompatibility<#Term<your app>, cause: {:conflict, #Incompatibility<#Term<floki ~> 0.34.4>, cause: :no_versions>, #Incompatibility<#Term<your app>, #Term<not floki ~> 0.34.4>, cause: :dependency>}>
Resolution completed in 0.024s
Because your app depends on floki ~> 0.34.4 which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed.
** (Mix) Hex dependency resolution failed

Is this desired or PR is welcome?

AndrewDryga commented 4 months ago

I think this is because I'm using an old Hex version (because latest is broken), sorry.