hexpm / hex

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Error installing Hex #1023

Closed ZacBridge closed 2 months ago

ZacBridge commented 2 months ago

Within the past hour or 2, Hex is no longer available to be installed, both locally and in our CI pipeline (CircleCI - Docker machine).


This issue also persists with hex rebar. This is occurring over multiple project and Elixir/Erlang versions.

Commands being used are mix local.hex --force and mix local.rebar --force

rodrigocaldeirasumup commented 2 months ago

One thing I noticed is that the url https://repo.hex.pm/installs/hex1.x.csv is redirecting to https://builds.hex.pm//installs/hex-1.x.csv and this url returns error 404.

By accessing the url https://builds.hex.pm/installs/hex-1.x.csv, the CSV file is downloaded without problems.

Perhaps it is a redirection problem only.

ZacBridge commented 2 months ago

Good point - I missed that. There's an additional / at the end of the BASE_URL.

rodrigocaldeirasumup commented 2 months ago

It seems to be OK now!

ZacBridge commented 2 months ago

Yes - working for me too. Unit tests successfully failing once more!

I'll close this.