hexpm / hex

Package manager for the Erlang ecosystem.
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Hex complains about Elixir version needlessly #206

Closed opie4624 closed 8 years ago

opie4624 commented 8 years ago
> mix hex.info
Hex:    0.11.0
Elixir: 1.2.3
OTP:    18.2.1

Built with: Elixir 1.2.3 and OTP 18.2.4

Hex was built against against Elixir 1.2.3 and you are running 1.2.3, please run `mix local.hex` to update to a matching version
Registry file available (last updated: 2016-03-03 01:01:26)
Size: 1572kB (compressed 511kb)
Packages #: 1642
Versions #: 7323
jbavari commented 8 years ago

I'm running into the same error. Before the hex update, everything was working fine. Now I'm getting local crashes, as well as our CI running into the same errors:

mix do deps.get, deps.compile
* Updating ueberauth (https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth.git)
* Updating exzmq (https://github.com/jbavari/exzmq)
* Updating gen_listener_tcp (https://github.com/kaos/gen_listener_tcp.git)
Hex was built against against Elixir 1.1.1 and you are running 1.1.1, please run `mix local.hex` to update to a matching version
Running dependency resolution
** (Mix) Invalid requirement ">=1.1.1" defined for package uuid
mix hex.info
Hex:    0.11.0
Elixir: 1.1.1
OTP:    18.2.1

Built with: Elixir 1.1.1 and OTP

Hex was built against against Elixir 1.1.1 and you are running 1.1.1, please run `mix local.hex` to update to a matching version
Registry file available (last updated: 2016-03-03 01:19:59)
Size: 1572kB (compressed 511kb)
Packages #: 1642
Versions #: 7323
ericmj commented 8 years ago

Both issues have been fixed in 0.11.1