hexpm / hex

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Can't run `mix deps.get` with just released package (stale cache?) #944

Closed tompave closed 2 years ago

tompave commented 2 years ago

I've encountered what looks like a bug, or possibly some caching issue.

$ elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.3.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:10:10] [ds:10:10:10] [async-threads:1] [dtrace]

Elixir 1.13.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 24)

$ mix hex.info
Hex:    1.0.1
Elixir: 1.13.4
OTP:    24.3.3

Built with: Elixir 1.13.0 and OTP 22.3

What I've done:

  1. On macOS 12.13.1 (Apple Silicon).
  2. On a working Elixir and Hex setup:
    • I'm authenticated into Hex.pm with my Mix-Hex setup.
    • I can publish a packages I own to Hex.pm.
  3. I've installed the Phoenix generator for the first time (it's an almost new machine):

    $ mix archive.install hex phx_new
    Resolving Hex dependencies...
    Dependency resolution completed:
      phx_new 1.6.7
    * Getting phx_new (Hex package)
    All dependencies are up to date
    Compiling 11 files (.ex)
    Generated phx_new app
    Generated archive "phx_new-1.6.7.ez" with MIX_ENV=prod
    Are you sure you want to install "phx_new-1.6.7.ez"? [Yn] Y
    * creating /Users/tom/.mix/archives/phx_new-1.6.7
  4. I've created a new Phoenix project (mix phx.new foobar)
  5. I've tried to install the deps inside the project directory: cd foobar && mix deps.get. I've had to explicitly enter the dir and run this myself, because when I answered Y to the usual prompt after project creation, it failed immediately. It didn't print any details, but I suspect it was the same issue.
  6. šŸ’„ I would expect the packages to be fetched as usual, but instead I get this error:

    $ mix deps.get
    ** (Mix) No matching version for phoenix ~> 1.6.7 (from: mix.exs) in registry
    The latest version is: 1.6.6
  7. šŸ’” I've checked https://hex.pm/packages/phoenix, and I can see that 1.6.7 has just been published (published today, still zero downloads for this version).
  8. I've tried to find a way to clear Hex's cache, but I couldn't find an obvious command for it.
  9. šŸ™… I've tried mix deps.get --no-archives-check (a shot in the dark). It didn't work.
  10. šŸ™… I've run rm ~/.hex/cache.ets and then retried. It didn't work.
  11. āœ… I've edited foobar/mix.exs to downgrade the version of the dependency to {:phoenix, "~> 1.6.6"},. With that, I can run mix deps.get successfully.
  12. Current status: I can't get mix deps.get to fetch the latest version of Phoenix from Hex.pm.
cw789 commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue yesterday. But only on Unix not on Windows.

tompave commented 2 years ago

I've tried again 12-13 hours later, with a brand new project, and now it works.

This suggests it was either a caching issue in the mix/hex client, or the Hex.pm server didn't allow downloading the latest version even though it was displayed in the UI (which could also be a different caching issue on the server).

If it was on the client, I guess a command like mix hex.clear_cache would be handy.

ericmj commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed after a manual CDN purge. We are working on a more permanent solution to this issue but while we do it may happen again. If it does please let us know.