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Could not install Rebar because Mix could not download metadata #998

Closed TobiasLunaris closed 1 year ago

TobiasLunaris commented 1 year ago

Having issues when running

mix local.rebar --force

Both on our build server and when running GitHub actions. Have not had any of these problems before. The error is the following:

 ** (Mix) httpc request failed with: {:failed_connect, [{:to_address, {'builds.hex.pm', 443}}, {:inet, [:inet], {:tls_alert, {:unexpected_message, 'TLS client: In state hello_middlebox_assert at ssl_gen_statem.erl:736 generated CLIENT ALERT: Fatal - Unexpected Message\n {unexpected_msg,{internal,{encrypted_extensions,\#{sni => {sni,[]}}}}}'}}}]}

Could not install Rebar because Mix could not download metadata at https://repo.hex.pm/installs/rebar3-1.x.csv.

Works totally fine when running locally though.

Posting here since it seems to be related to Hex.

TobiasLunaris commented 1 year ago

Seems to be working again! :D