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Dependency Resolution behaves differently under OTP-26 #999

Closed gmorell closed 5 months ago

gmorell commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon, I've been working on my an application that uses :geo_postgis which has an optional dependency on Poison between v2-v4, but I've been using override: true in my mix.exs to use v5.

This was working a few days ago until the alpine docker base image was pinned to an OTP26 release. From looking at the dockerfile bases, the only difference between OTP 25 and OTP 26 images solely seems to be on OTP versions as the installed elixir is the same.

The dependency resolution fails with the following message: Because "your app" depends on "geo_postgis ~> 3.4" which depends on "poison ~> 2.2 or ~> 3.0 or ~> 4.0", "poison ~> 2.2 or ~> 3.0 or ~> 4.0" is required. So because "your app" depends on "poison ~> 5.0", version solving failed.

Switching my dockerfile to use the OTP25 alpine resolves the issue.

ericmj commented 1 year ago

Can you share a mix project that reproduces the issue?

Please run mix hex.info for each image and report the result.

ericmj commented 5 months ago

Closing due to lack of information.