hexus / phaser-arcade-slopes

:triangular_ruler: A Phaser CE plugin that brings sloped tile collision handling to the Arcade Physics engine
MIT License
126 stars 16 forks source link

Update npm package #47

Closed Majirefy closed 6 years ago

Majirefy commented 6 years ago

I noticed npm package not update for 3 months.

Hope it will update with new release. Thanks~

hexus commented 6 years ago

Thank you for reminding me, I need to keep on top of that!

hexus commented 6 years ago

I've noticed it wasn't me that published this, but @log1x.

@log1x, would you mind me taking control over the phaser-arcade-slopes name on npm? I can publish all versions that way, including an upcoming 0.3.0-alpha.

Log1x commented 6 years ago

No problem.

I added you as a "Collaborator" on npmjs-- just let me know when you're all set and I can remove myself to give you full control.

hexus commented 6 years ago

Man, working with npm is frustrating. I just want to unpublish the package and republish it with all the correct versions! :angry:

Log1x commented 6 years ago

I agree it's a pain. After working with PHP and using Composer/Packagist-- I really don't understand npm's publish system.

Would it help if I unpublish / attempt to delete the package so you can start from scratch?

hexus commented 6 years ago

Composer and Packagist do it perfectly.

I've been attempting to remove it myself but keep getting hit with 403s. I have since removed you from the collaborators but I'll add you back now just in case that works.

hexus commented 6 years ago

I think it's to do with their policy to prevent that infamous left-pad debacle from ever happening again.

I'll email their support team.

hexus commented 6 years ago

@Majirefy, you can use npm to pull GitHub repositories as dependencies like so:

"dependencies": {
    "phaser-arcade-slopes": "hexus/phaser-arcade-slopes#v0.2.0"

Where everything after the # is just a tag. Hope this helps.

Starting to remember why I gave up with npm before. :joy:

Majirefy commented 6 years ago

Thanks! @hexus @Log1x

hexus commented 6 years ago

They got back and said unpublished versions can never be republished, and I can't delete the package, only deprecate it and choose a new name.

So I'll release 0.2.1 at some point and when I do, that will be published to NPM. I recommend just using the method above though, to give you proper access to all the versions.