hexus / pragma

Declarative form builder
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JSON Schema #26

Open hexus opened 3 years ago

hexus commented 3 years ago

Pragma's field definition format is similar to JSON Schema and JSON Editor.

Investigate the overlaps and consider switching over to, and extending, JSON Schema. This could be pretty powerful, but also a overcomplicated due to its extensive feature set (e.g. external references).

Really, the best thing about this approach would be type safety and validation. The worst thing would be potential complexity. Some of this complexity could be avoided if a simplified format could be processed into full JSON Schema.

We could then also provide a meta-schema for the field definitions themselves.

Examples of changes

Rough examples of what certain fields types look like now, and what they'd look like with JSON schema.


  type: section
  label: Profile
  description: Character profile

  type: string
  label: Name
  description: The character's given or chosen name

  type: selection
  label: Alignment
  description: The character's general and moral attitude
      lawfulGood: Lawful Good
      neutralGood: Neutral Good
      chaoticGood: Chaotic Good
      lawfulNeutral: Lawful Neutral
      trueNeutral: True Neutral
      chaoticNeutral: Chaotic Neutral
      lawfulEvil: Lawful Evil
      neutralEvil: Neutral Evil
      chaoticEvil: Chaotic Evil


JSON Schema always defines the root, whereas Pragma currently implies one. We can still imply one, we just embed the form fields into the properties of a type: object.

type: object
title: Pathfinder Character Sheet
description: JSON Schema for Pragma forms for the Pathfinder roleplaying game.
    type: object
    title: Profile
    description: Character profiles
        type: string
        title: Name
        description: The character's given or chosen name
        type: string
        title: Alignment
        description: The character's general and moral attitude
        enum: [
          'lawfulGood', 'neutralGood', 'chaoticGood', 'lawfulNeutral', 'trueNeutral', 'chaoticNeutral',
          'lawfulEvil', 'neutralEvil', 'chaoticEvil'
        options: # This is where any Pragma-specific data would reside
          enumLabels: [
            'Lawful Good', 'Neutral Good', 'Chaotic Good', 'Lawful Neutral', 'True Neutral', 'Chaotic Neutral',
            'Lawful Evil', 'Neutral Evil', 'Chaotic Evil'

It's much more verbose, and introduces the nesting that Pragma's format tries to avoid, but we could find a middle ground that compiles to JSON schema. For example:

  type: object
  title: Profile
  description: Character profiles

  type: string
  title: Name
  description: The character's given or chosen name

  type: string
  title: Alignment
  description: The character's general and moral attitude
  enum: [
    'lawfulGood', 'neutralGood', 'chaoticGood', 'lawfulNeutral', 'trueNeutral', 'chaoticNeutral',
    'lawfulEvil', 'neutralEvil', 'chaoticEvil'
  options: # This is where any Pragma-specific data would reside
    enumLabels: [
      'Lawful Good', 'Neutral Good', 'Chaotic Good', 'Lawful Neutral', 'True Neutral', 'Chaotic Neutral',
      'Lawful Evil', 'Neutral Evil', 'Chaotic Evil'

What we avoid here is properties, or in the case of Pragma's current format: children. We instead rely on full paths like profile.alignment to set the expected properties for different objects.

tag, which is usually something like 'pragma-section' or 'pragma-string', could then become JSON Schema's/JSON Editor's format, which could translate to a theme of tag names to decide how to render.

Considering how such schemas might translate to a server-side implementation, however, this falls apart a bit. E.g. type: string and format: datetime, where a server-side representation might just see this instead as a Date type. However, this isn't too much of a problem, as we're specifying a JSON format.