hexylena / galaxyxml

XML Generation libraries for Galaxy Tool/ToolDeps XML
Apache License 2.0
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Fix for leakage of executable into <command> section if command_line_override supplied #26

Closed fubar2 closed 3 years ago

fubar2 commented 3 years ago

Pasting the nominated executable before a supplied override for the tool command section will likely break - the supplier of a command override probably does not want the executable prepended to their handiwork :)

Needs to be a list. Doh! So now expects one.

Somewhat simplistic test added. What with flake news and tests, this old dog has learned some new tricks. Or perhaps just caught the currently popular fleas?

Name changed to command_override for less confusion. I am probably the only one who ever used this so I hope that won't break anything?

Finessing a replacement is going to be harder. It will need to replace the generated segment so I have resort to text replacement chicanery in the ToolFactory to get it to work..It can now generate a working version of the planemo bwa example using a supplied segment.

Please bump version if this is accepted...

Thanks @hexylena