hey-api / openapi-ts

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Help catch non declared query or path parameters #1000

Open mikavilpas opened 1 week ago

mikavilpas commented 1 week ago


Hi, and thanks for this wonderful project!

At work, my team ran into an issue where we were accidentally passing in path parameters instead of query parameters, causing a profile search api to return a much larger dataset than what we expected 🙂

diff --git a/packages/server/src/services/employments/temporaryEmployments.ts b/packages/server/src/services/employments/temporaryEmployments.ts
index f69e2a0..a2cf2aa 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/services/employments/temporaryEmployments.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/services/employments/temporaryEmployments.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export const getTemporaryEmployments = async (profileId: string): Promise<V1Temp
   try {
     const response = await EmploymentService.searchTemporaryEmployments({
-      path: { profileId },
+      query: { profileId },
     return response.data
   } catch (error) {

The generated data type for this api does not declare path options in the openapi specification. It's defined as /v0/temporaryEmployment/search:.

It looks like the defaults come from

interface RequestOptionsBase<ThrowOnError extends boolean> extends Config<ThrowOnError> {
    path?: Record<string, unknown>;
    query?: Record<string, unknown>;
    url: string;

Is there a way to disallow specifying parameters that are not defined by the API specification?

mrlubos commented 1 week ago

@mikavilpas Can you share your OpenAPI spec?

mikavilpas commented 1 week ago

I can't share the full spec, but I created a reproduction setup here https://github.com/mikavilpas/hey-api-reproduction-1000

Let me know if this helps.

mrlubos commented 1 week ago

@mikavilpas Oh so you're asking for strict types? That is, unless something is explicitly defined as a possible value by the spec, don't allow it to be passed?

mikavilpas commented 1 week ago

Yes, that's it! If there's any way to opt into this kind of behaviour, it would be perfect.

I'm building a new openapi client for our company's internal api with my team, and it would be great to enforce strict adherence to the spec like this.

mrlubos commented 1 week ago

I'd need to think about it, this would have to be done on the (fetch/axios) client level. If you can think of anything feel free to open a pull request! We'd need to modify the types to either be more strict or loose as they're now depending on some generic variable

mikavilpas commented 1 week ago

I have an idea. It seems like it might be enough to add a missing path or query parameter into the generated types as an explicitly disallowed parameter:

diff --git a/examples/openapi-ts-fetch/src/client/types.gen.ts b/examples/openapi-ts-fetch/src/client/types.gen.ts
index 9dbad3c8..3d90d297 100644
--- a/examples/openapi-ts-fetch/src/client/types.gen.ts
+++ b/examples/openapi-ts-fetch/src/client/types.gen.ts
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ export type UpdatePetResponse = Pet;
 export type UpdatePetError = unknown;

 export type FindPetsByStatusData = {
+  path?: undefined;
   query?: {
      * Status values that need to be considered for filter


mrlubos commented 1 week ago

This would then shift the ownership over strictness to the generator instead of the client, correct? I could get behind that. My immediate reaction is we'd want a types.strict optional boolean flag. Did you have a different idea?

mikavilpas commented 1 week ago

Yeah I think it would have to be done in each client with this solution 🤔

mikavilpas commented 1 week ago

Oh wait, did I get it backwards?

mrlubos commented 1 week ago

As long as the client understands path?: undefined (or even never) and resolves it to disallow arbitrary values, that would accomplish what we need here. I like this idea!