hey-api / openapi-ts

🚀 The OpenAPI to TypeScript codegen. Generate clients, SDKs, validators, and more. Support: @mrlubos
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[FeatureRequest] Allow `types` to be generated in individual files instead of a single `types.gen.ts` #1274

Open mrclrchtr opened 1 week ago

mrclrchtr commented 1 week ago


I use Aider to develop code (AI development tool, I highly recommend it). With this tool you can set whole files into the context for the AI. Unfortunately it is not possible to put parts of files into the context.

One of the most important files in my project is the types.gen.ts generated by HeyAPI. However, this has far too much information because it contains all the types.

This bloats the context too much. It would be very helpful if I could add individual types depending on the working context.

So it would be very helpful to provide the types in individual files instead of in a single types.gen.ts.

Perhaps a file for shared types and then individual files for the individual request function types?