hey-api / openapi-ts

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incorrect type generated when combining oneOf with properties #713

Open tannera-cargill opened 5 days ago

tannera-cargill commented 5 days ago


This library is incorrectly generating TypeScript types for OpenAPI schemas that combine oneOf with properties. The generated type only includes the oneOf union, ignoring the additional properties defined in the schema.

OpenAPI specification (optional)

  "CompositionWithOneOfWithRefAndPropertiesFlat": {
    "type": "object",
    "oneOf": [
        "$ref": "#/components/parameters/SimpleParameter"
        "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NonAsciiStringæøåÆØÅöôêÊ字符串"
    "required": [
    "properties": {
      "baz": {
        "type": "integer",
        "format": "uint16",
        "minimum": 0.0,
        "nullable": true
      "qux": {
        "type": "integer",
        "format": "uint8",
        "minimum": 0.0

Expected behavior The generated TypeScript type should be an intersection of the oneOf union and an object type with the additional properties. Something like:

export type CompositionWithOneOfWithRefAndPropertiesFlat = 
  (ParameterSimpleParameter | NonAsciiStringæøåÆØÅöôêÊ字符串) 
  & {
    baz?: number;
    qux: number;

Actual behavior

 export type CompositionWithOneOfWithRefAndPropertiesFlat = ParameterSimpleParameter | NonAsciiStringæøåÆØÅöôêÊ字符串;


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mrlubos commented 5 days ago

Thanks for reporting @tannera-cargill