Open CJSZ01 opened 6 months ago
Hi, this is a pipeline bug in their vm. This shouldn't happen on the hosted VMs. Thankfully I never ran into this issue. I'll keep it open if someone from the community could help you.
You can open a bug on Microsoft Git repo
Also check this
@CJSZ01 Is this solved?
stage: AndroidStage dependsOn: [] displayName: Android jobs:
job: AndroidJob displayName: Android steps:
task: FlutterInstall@0 displayName: "Install Flutter SDK" inputs: mode: 'auto' channel: 'stable' version: 'latest'
task: FlutterCommand@0 displayName: "Run Flutter diagnostics" inputs: projectDirectory: '.' arguments: 'doctor -v'
task: FlutterBuild@0 displayName: "Build application" inputs: target: 'aab' projectDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)' extraArgs: '-t base_app/lib/main.dart'
` Results in a build failure "To build this project, accept the SDK license agreements and install the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager." It seems impossible to accept the SDK license agreements in the pipeline.