heybourn / headwind

An opinionated Tailwind CSS class sorter built for Visual Studio Code
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How to prevent line break in a css @apply #182

Open lorenzofranzone opened 2 years ago

lorenzofranzone commented 2 years ago

Hello, I would like to prevent line break only in css files where I add tailwind classes with @apply

In app.css I have for a quick example:

   @apply text-red-500 uppercase

With a standard behavior on save I get:

   @apply text-red-500 uppercase bg-red-100;

As you can see I can't preserve the line break inside the apply, so I wonder if there is a possibility to solve this problem or if there is a quicker solution to exclude the behavior of the plugin on all css files, keeping it active only in the HTML markup. I don't use prettier or others, just html and css to test this problem. Thanks for your time, see you soon 🤞🏼