heygrady / ace-mode-freemarker

FreeMarker mode for Ace JavaScript editor.
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Mode as a module #1

Open heruan opened 8 years ago

heruan commented 8 years ago

It would be great to have this mode available as a built module, to be able to import it in an existing Ace installation without the need to recompile Ace.

Take for example a SystemJS project, written in ES6:

import ace from "ace";

let editor = ace.edit("editor");

It would be great to have FreeMarker mode available as a SystemJS module (JSPM/NPM) to be do this:

import ace from "ace";
import AceModeFreeMarker from "ace-mode-freemarker";

let editor = ace.edit("editor");
editor.getSession().setMode(new AceModeFreeMarker());
heygrady commented 8 years ago

Pull requests accepted. I'm not maintaining this. I don't use it on any current projects