heyjaywilson / artnet-converter

App to convert universe to artnet
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Settings to allow for converting from one device to another device. #11

Closed heyjaywilson closed 5 years ago

heyjaywilson commented 5 years ago

Allow for people to choose what device they are converting from and what device they are converting to.

Example: An Enode 4 to a Hog 4.

An Enode uses a primary universe and is from 1 -> 256. The Hog needs subnet and universe and that starts at 0 instead of 1.

Enode Primary Universe Hog Arnet Subnet Hog Arnet Universe
1 0 0
2 0 1
16 0 15
17 1 0
18 1 1
256 15 15

Example: SolaFrame 1000 to a Hog 4

A SolaFrame 1000 fixture universe range is 0 -> 255. The Hog needs subnet and universe.

SolaFrame 1000 Universe Hog Arnet Subnet Hog Arnet Universe
0 0 0
1 0 1
2 0 2
16 1 0
17 1 1
255 15 15
heyjaywilson commented 5 years ago

This would require some kind of database that corresponds to equipment and how they need/give artnet information.