heykelh33 / Radix-Django-Angularjs

Radix - Real-Time Enviromental Monitoring (Django, MySQL, Channels, Angularjs)
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Channels packages instalation on Raspberry Pi B+ #1

Open heykelh33 opened 6 years ago

heykelh33 commented 6 years ago


1. Install python-dev $sudo apt-get install python-dev

2. Install pip 9.0.1

I had to download the tarball and install it

$tar -xzvf pip-9.0.1.tar.gz
$sudo python setup.py install

3. Install virtualenv $sudo pip install virtualenv

4. Create an virtual environment in a project folder

(eg. pi@raspberrypi ~/Django_projects/django-snapdots)

pi@raspberrypi ~/Django_projects$virtualenv django-snapdots

5. Lauch the virtual environment

pi@raspberrypi ~/Django_projects/django-snapdots $ source bin/activate

6. Install channels

I had to use proxy with pip statement, I need to look how I can set up a pip configuration file with a proxy so I can't insert the proxy statement over and over I use pip in the RPi. I also needed to use timeout statement because low network bandwidth

(django-snapdots) pi@raspberrypi ~/Django_projects/django-snapdots $ pip install channels --timeout 1000 --proxy http://username:key@proxy_ip:port/


(django-snapdots) pi@raspberrypi ~/Django_projects/django-snapdots $ pip list --format=freeze asgiref==1.1.2 attrs==17.2.0 autobahn==17.9.2 Automat==0.6.0 channels==1.1.8 constantly==15.1.0 daphne==1.3.0 Django==1.11.5 hyperlink==17.3.1 incremental==17.5.0 pip==9.0.1 pytz==2017.2 setuptools==28.8.0 six==1.10.0 Twisted==17.5.0 txaio==2.8.2 wheel==0.29.0 zope.interface==4.4.2