heyx3 / Bplus.jl

A modern OpenGL 4.6 rendering framework, written in Julia.
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Add instrumentation to OpenGL calls #112

Open heyx3 opened 9 months ago

heyx3 commented 9 months ago

Julia can't handle having external OpenGL debuggers attached to it. It's also hard to make forum posts for help, or report driver bugs, without throwing a bunch of Julia code at people who've probably never even heard of Julia before.

The obvious but painful solution to this problem is to wrap OpenGL calls in a special macro that can make the call, and optionally record it to some log format. The use of logging, and the particular format that the output takes, can be handled through an abstract interface.

The data provided to the logger would be something like "Function Name, Function Arguments, binary data pointed to by certain parameters, the output size of output parameters", plus the ability to insert nested group ID's for log formats that want to support that.