hfg-gmuend / openmoji

Open source emojis for designers, developers and everyone else!
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A bunch of custom emojis that I've made this summer #475

Closed xavizardKnight closed 6 months ago

xavizardKnight commented 7 months ago

Heyas! This summer and these lasts weeks, I have been working on quite a few icons and emojis in the style of OpenMoji, as a way to practice SVGs with Inkscape (as I mentioned in the issue #462 I opened before).

I've made these emojis for my projects, and I've shared them in this GitLab repo. But because some of these emojis have also been requested here in different issues, or I feel might be nice to have here, I want to suggest moving some of them here, so more people can use them.

Here are the emojis that, I think, might be cool to move over to here:


A couple of notes: 1) As referred in the C/C++/C#/SVG/Markdown/JS/TS/WASM bullet point, the programming icons that I suggest here are all public domain. Other interesting programming icons to add might be the Ruby icons or the classic HTML5/CSS3/JS shields, but those require attribution. How would you add attribution for emojis/icons and brands that might require them? Currently, your library is empty of descriptions for everything non-unicode. 2) I've been having some problems with the Visual Dark Mode Check of the OpenMoji tester with some of my emojis, where the white outline will in some emojis be placed very weirdly for no reason. May I ask how this outline works? I have currently 3 emojis whose white outline misbehaves for reasons I cannot understand (one is the motorbike helmet, the other two are in my repo).

I'll be willing to help to move any or all of these emojis to here (or any other from my repo you feel might also fit better in this repo).

Thank you and have a nice day!

xavizardKnight commented 7 months ago

I wanted to add direct links to the source svg files per emoji I mentioned above, but I forgot; and the message is so big that the edit UI doesn't seem to load, so I'll add the links here.

Just a disclaimer, sometimes GitLab's SVG viewer does weird things, and might now show the SVG properly; please download it and view it with your local viewer or editor of choice to avoid surprises.

22 links collapsed to avoid flooding - Flag of Valencian Community: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/pa%C3%AFsos-catalans/pa%C3%ADs-valenci%C3%A0.svg?ref_type=heads - Flag of Balearic Islands: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/pa%C3%AFsos-catalans/illes-balears.svg?ref_type=heads - Flag of Aragon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/pa%C3%AFsos-catalans/arag%C3%B3.svg?ref_type=heads - Flag of Murcia: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/pa%C3%AFsos-catalans/m%C3%BArcia.svg?ref_type=heads - Climate Change Flag: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/initiatives/climate.svg?ref_type=heads - Disability Flag: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/initiatives/disability.svg?ref_type=heads - Disability Pride Flag: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/initiatives/disability-pride.svg?ref_type=heads - Vegan Flag: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/flags/initiatives/vegan.svg?ref_type=heads - Motorbike Helmet: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/objects/clothing/motorbike-helmet.svg?ref_type=heads - Guy Fawkes Mask: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/objects/clothing/guy-fawkes-mask.svg?ref_type=heads - Chrome Canary Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/chrome-canary.svg?ref_type=heads - Firefox Nightly Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/firefox-nightly.svg?ref_type=heads - Firefox Developer Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/firefox-developer.svg?ref_type=heads - C Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/c.svg?ref_type=heads - C++ Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/cplusplus.svg?ref_type=heads - C# Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/csharp.svg?ref_type=heads - SVG Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/svg.svg?ref_type=heads - Markdown Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/markdown.svg?ref_type=heads - JavaScript Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/javascript.svg?ref_type=heads - TypeScript Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/typescript.svg?ref_type=heads - WebAssembly Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/webassembly.svg?ref_type=heads - WinRAR Icon: https://gitlab.com/XavizardKnight/openmoji-xk-extensions/-/blob/master/src/brand/winrar.svg?ref_type=heads

Sorry If these are too many links :sweat_smile:

b-g commented 7 months ago

Dear @xavizardKnight, my apologies for the super low reply! It has been very busy here with mid term exams ... and on top of this a cold caught me badly as well. Uff.

Basically this is all pure gold! 😻 We would be more than happy to have nearly all your beautiful contributions!!


We changed a while our contribution guidelines and no longer are accepting any flags without an official unicode definition. Sorry! But arguing e.g. to include a flag like Kurdistan or not is too tough. We resignated at some point as we simply couldn't moderate it. Hence we won't be able to include those (even if I may add, personally I would too). I hope you understand.

As referred in the C/C++/C#/SVG/Markdown/JS/TS/WASM bullet point, the programming icons that I suggest here are all public domain. Other interesting programming icons to add might be the Ruby icons or the classic HTML5/CSS3/JS shields, but those require attribution. How would you add attribution for emojis/icons and brands that might require them?

Currently, your library is empty of descriptions for everything non-unicode. To be honest, not very keen to implement a new attribution mechanism. We have so much on our plate e.g. dark mode, which seems a lot more important and are resources are limited.

I've been having some problems with the Visual Dark Mode Check of the OpenMoji tester with some of my emojis, where the white outline will in some emojis be placed very weirdly for no reason. May I ask how this outline works? I have currently 3 emojis whose white outline misbehaves for reasons I cannot understand (one is the motorbike helmet, the other two are in my repo).

The idea is to have in the near future an additional step in the build process, which generates automatically the white outlines. The approach is this: https://github.com/hfg-gmuend/openmoji-tester/blob/master/modules/getSvgWithAddedOutline.mjs ... understandable?

I'll be willing to help to move any or all of these emojis to here (or any other from my repo you feel might also fit better in this repo).

Yay!! Could you prepare a PR with your contributions? I'm planing to release the v15 in December. It would be super cool to include your OpenMojis!!

All the very best!

xavizardKnight commented 6 months ago

Heyas! Thanks for your answer.

I understand your decision with the initiative flags. I'll start working on adding the rest of the emojis. I've had a busy weekend with family meetups, but I'll try to get the PR done in the upcoming days. It's my first time adding emojis to this repo, so I hope to do it right… :sweat_smile:

I've been looking at the process for adding new emojis; and I assume that the emojis of the motorbike-helmet and the guy-fawkes-mask should be in a clothing subcategory and inside openmoji-extras (in my repo they are in the objects/clothing folders, as I try to do a similar folder structure); but in openmoji-extras there is no clothing subfolder, only an objects subfolder. Should I create a new openmoji-extras/clothing subfolder, or should I place them in the already existing openmoji-extras/objects subfolder?

The idea is to have in the near future an additional step in the build process, which generates automatically the white outlines. The approach is this: hfg-gmuend/openmoji-tester@master/modules/getSvgWithAddedOutline.mjs ... understandable?

For what I was able to understand from the code (because my JavaScript skills are near zero; I'm more of a C# guy xD), the outline seems to prefer the color layer rather than the line layer, which is something I was able to (sort of) guess based on how it misbehaved on some of my emojis. Mainly on the motorbike-helment one, which currently looks like this:


I don't know if it will be necessary to fix it before pushing this emoji to this repo, but I tried to fix it several times with no improvements. I have more screenshots of the outline tool misbehaving on different other emojis, if you want to use them for debugging possible issues with the outline script.

As I said, will try to get this PR in the following days. Will let you know if more issues arise.

b-g commented 6 months ago

Hi @xavizardKnight,

I understand your decision with the initiative flags. I'll start working on adding the rest of the emojis.

Many thanks for our understanding!

I've had a busy weekend with family meetups, but I'll try to get the PR done in the upcoming days. It's my first time adding emojis to this repo, so I hope to do it right… 😅

No worries, happy to help or to take at some time if it gets to nitty gritty :)

I've been looking at the process for adding new emojis; and I assume that the emojis of the motorbike-helmet and the guy-fawkes-mask should be in a clothing subcategory and inside openmoji-extras (in my repo they are in the objects/clothing folders, as I try to do a similar folder structure); but in openmoji-extras there is no clothing subfolder, only an objects subfolder. Should I create a new openmoji-extras/clothing subfolder, or should I place them in the already existing openmoji-extras/objects subfolder?

Please in the openmoji-extras/objects subfolder, as two seems not enough to "justify" a new subfolder for clothing. You can run npm run show-extras-hexcodesto get the next available hexcode ...

For what I was able to understand from the code (because my JavaScript skills are near zero; I'm more of a C# guy xD), the outline seems to prefer the color layer rather than the line layer, which is something I was able to (sort of) guess based on how it misbehaved on some of my emojis.

Yes, exactly ...

Mainly on the motorbike-helment one, which currently looks like this:

This is odd. Happy to look at some point into it and use your motorbike-helment to improve the tool further. However in the meantime it might be the easiest (think quick fix) to simply add a white fill underneath everything, so that the outlining works. Would that be a workaround? (Or add it as it is to the PR – just make sure that all tests are green – and we will take over, I expect a lot of manual tweaking to get the upcoming dark mode really going in the end. One more won't hurt. Uff.)

As I said, will try to get this PR in the following days. Will let you know if more issues arise.

👍 + Thanks!

xavizardKnight commented 6 months ago


I've spent this afternoon working on preparing everything. I'll continue tomorrow, and hopefully, I can finish it.

 Please in the openmoji-extras/objects subfolder, as two seems not enough to "justify" a new subfolder for clothing.

Okey, I've already done it this way :+1:

 However in the meantime it might be the easiest (think quick fix) to simply add a white fill underneath everything, so that the outlining works. Would that be a workaround?

I've been playing around with this emoji this afternoon and I managed to come out with something. Notice how in the screenshot that I've sent yesterday, the only part of the outline that works correctly is the bottom dark grey area of the neck of the helmet. So I tried to extend this grey area to the rest of the helmet and it worked!


I don't understand why the outline registers with this grey area but not with the rest of the shapes in the emoji. This outline can still be improved, as right now, I had to adjust the grey area manually, that's why the outline looks "bumpy" in some areas.

 just make sure that all tests are green

Yep, that's what I'm doing. Before publishing them to my repo, I already make sure all the tests are green, so everything should be already correct; but I'm anyway re-checking everything again just to be safe.

b-g commented 6 months ago

Done https://github.com/hfg-gmuend/openmoji/commit/d9f538710ff8e60417b3bf8a0e901424172108bc