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More scale fixes. #57

Closed MattiasBuelens closed 10 years ago

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

I was testing how the tool reacts to bigger screens, and found some issues.

hftf commented 10 years ago

Instead of “reverse-engineering” the scale factor from the canvas dimensions and bounds, I would like to set the scale (to 4) and calculate the canvas dimensions from scale × bounds.

P.S. We should consider the implications of the wider screen (at 640 px instead of 512 px) on page layout/accessibility.

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

4886038 uses the main_scale and mouse_scale values to configure the canvas sizes (coordinate space and screen space). I tried this out on my WIP for X, and I must say 640 by 480 is indeed fairly big.

hftf commented 10 years ago

Obviously this also affects all the small canvases (160 px instead of 128 px). I wonder if it's better to dynamically create two CSS rules (small and large) instead of looping through all the elements. Either that or “hardcode” the rules in a standalone stylesheet so CSS can be cached.

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

Well, the canvas coordinate space cannot be modified through CSS (the canvas.width and canvas.height attributes). We still need JS code to do that.

We could dynamically create and add CSS rules to control the on-screen size of the canvases, yes. An alternative would be to add game-specific CSS stylesheets (e.g. data/x/style.css). (Bonus: that would also allow for game-themed styling of the tool with fancy backgrounds and colors. :stuck_out_tongue: )

hftf commented 10 years ago

If you're rebasing this anyway, why not squash out the revert? :put_litter_in_its_place:

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

Good point, I'll cover up my mistakes. :stuck_out_tongue:

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

Okay, it turns out the menu canvases are a bit more annoying than I expected. The width of .menu-heading .layers controls the width of .menu-heading, and that's what keeps all the .menu-lists properly aligned. Thus, we can't just set the width and height of the menu canvas, we also need to change the .layers and the .layers img...

I'll have a look at the CSS thing. :stuck_out_tongue: If we can dynamically configure 2 CSS classes for small and large, we can use those throughout the DOM where we need it.

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

b8a1344 implements the dynamically generated CSS rules for .size-small and .size-large. Simply add that class to whatever element that needs sizing.

hftf commented 10 years ago

Obviously I haven't tried, but why not this?

var foo = document.createElement('style');
foo.innerHTML = '.size-small { width: …; height: …; } .size-large { width: …; height: …; }';
MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

That'll work too. I kind of like using the DOM / CSSOM, but I guess it's kind of overkill to throw in an extra script for working with the CSSOM if you can do it with 3 lines with innerHTML. :stuck_out_tongue:

MattiasBuelens commented 10 years ago

There you go, e8a3fac uses innerHTML instead.