Closed huangchieh closed 3 months ago
Last sub-trajectory error
"name": "",
"system": "343h2o-240ps-mbx-pol",
"simType": "MB-pol",
"dt": 0.04,
"sizeX": 21.729972,
"sizeY": 21.729972,
"sizeZ": 108.64986,
"numAtoms": 1029,
"simTime": 240.0,
"numFrames": 6001,
"numSubTrajCase1": 6,
"subTrajTimeCase1": 40,
"numSubTrajCase2": 6,
"subTrajTimeCase2": 40,
"numSubTrajOri": 12,
"subTrajTimeOri": 30
Due to the runtime error for the last sub-trajectory, only first 5 sub-trajectories were calculated for case1 and case2. See details here.
- At line 66 of file src/molecules_in_interface.f95
Fortran runtime error: Index '1871' of dimension 2 of array 'surf_info' above upper bound of 1849
- At line 175 of file ghbacf_interface_n_pbc_format2.f95
Fortran runtime error: Index '1871' of dimension 1 of array 'surf_info' above upper bound of 1849
- At line 167 of file ghbacf_interface_c_pbc_format2.f95
Fortran runtime error: Index '1871' of dimension 1 of array 'surf_info' above upper bound of 1849
- At line 177 of file ghbacf_interface_k_pbc_format2.f95
Fortran runtime error: Index '1871' of dimension 1 of array 'surf_info' above upper bound of 1849
At line 63 of file src/molecules_in_interface.f95
Fortran runtime error: Index '1871' of dimension 3 of array 'surf_info_fortran' above upper bound of 1849
Case 1: Total time used: 7.29 hours (1.4h per sub-trajectory) Case 2: Total time used: 4.98 hours (0.9h per sub-trajectory) Orientation: Total time used: .87 hours
I am debugging.
Debug: x, y, divx, divy: 21.730000000000000 10.756600000000001 0.50534818604651166 0.50534818604651166
Debug: nb_divx, nb_divy: 43 43
Debug: ind(1), ind(2): 43 21
Debug: index_mol 1871
At line 66 of file src/molecules_in_interface.f95
Fortran runtime error: Index '1871' of dimension 2 of array 'surf_info' above upper bound of 1849
Anyway, I am running the system of 512w. If problem still exist, then I will solve this problem. Or, I will do nothing.
I only calculate the calculated trajectories by changing the above json file to this
"name": "",
"system": "343h2o-240ps-mbx-pol",
"simType": "MB-pol",
"dt": 0.04,
"sizeX": 21.729972,
"sizeY": 21.729972,
"sizeZ": 108.64986,
"numAtoms": 1029,
"simTime": 240.0,
"numFrames": 6001,
"numSubTrajCase1": 5,
"subTrajTimeCase1": 40,
"numSubTrajCase2": 5,
"subTrajTimeCase2": 40,
"numSubTrajOri": 9,
"subTrajTimeOri": 30
Here is the results:
Also 216water
"name": "",
"system": "216h2o-240ps-mbx-pol",
"simType": "MB-pol",
"dt": 0.04,
"sizeX": 19.71096,
"sizeY": 19.71096,
"sizeZ": 98.554799,
"numAtoms": 648,
"simTime": 240.0,
"numFrames": 6001,
"numSubTrajCase1": 6,
"subTrajTimeCase1": 40,
"numSubTrajCase2": 6,
"subTrajTimeCase2": 40,
"numSubTrajOri": 12,
"subTrajTimeOri": 30
Figures C2 shows that the orientation is not sensitive to the thickness. i.e., not all properties are suitable to measure the thickness of air-water interface. It's okey.
Figures C2 shows that the orientation is not sensitive to the thickness. i.e., not all properties are suitable to measure the thickness of air-water interface. It's okey.
I fit it with double exponential decay function and it shows that the fitting is very good! (See the last figure). Therefore, we can try to use double exopoential functions's parameter to replace Fig 5.
What are the results of double exponential decay fitting look like?
What are the results of double exponential decay fitting look like?
Now, it is done. (y-labe of the right figure is wrong)
From the result, I conclude that the orientation dynamics are almost the same for both bulk and surface. Only orientation is not enough to distinguish the surface and bulk.
If plot the amplitude and the relaxation time, the result is :
From the result, I conclude that the orientation dynamics are almost the same for both bulk and surface. Only orientation is not enough to distinguish the surface and bulk.
yes. And the results are consistent to each other.
Total time used: 15.34 hours
└─▪ cat 512h2o-240ps-mbx-pol.json
"name": "",
"system": "512h2o-240ps-mbx-pol",
"simType": "MB-pol",
"dt": 0.04,
"sizeX": 24.6387,
"sizeY": 24.6387,
"sizeZ": 123.1935,
"numAtoms": 1536,
"simTime": 240.0,
"numFrames": 6001,
"numSubTrajCase1": 6,
"subTrajTimeCase1": 40,
"numSubTrajCase2": 6,
"subTrajTimeCase2": 40,
"numSubTrajOri": 12,
"subTrajTimeOri": 30
216 water
case 1: Total time used: 13.20 hours case 2: Total time used: 1.41 hours case orientation: Total time used: .40 hours