hgducharme / meatball

A C++17 chess engine written entirely from scratch (WIP)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add a bit more encapsulation to the code base #18

Closed hgducharme closed 3 months ago

hgducharme commented 1 year ago

Some interfaces that can be implemented:


   MoveList getPsuedoLegalMoves();
   MoveList getLegalMoves();

   MoveList searchForNextMoves(activePlayer, chessboard);

   MoveEvaluation evaluateMove(Move)
hgducharme commented 1 year ago

The goal here is so that later on if we want to change the implementation of board representation, move generation, search, or evaluation, all we have to do is subclass the interface and swap it out. It would make swapping out new implementations immensely easy. However, there is an argument to be made that we know the implementation we want at compile time, so are interfaces necessary? I feel like they serve more of a purpose if you don't know the needed implementation at runtime, but maybe it's ok to implement this pattern for swapping out at compile time

hgducharme commented 1 year ago

An argument for implementing these interfaces: it will make testing easier and we'll be able to swap out fakes, mocks, and stubs. We'll be able to do more unit testing and not have all of our tests be integration tests

hgducharme commented 1 year ago


Consider enforcing enum names

hgducharme commented 12 months ago

MoveGenerator design considerations: should a MoveGenerator class actually have PawnMoveGenerator, KnightMoveGenerator, ..., etc. member variables to this? In enterprise code I would say yes. This is good dependency injection, single responsibility principle, etc. Are we gonna need it? Idk. Maybe do that later, if we feel like it'll help.

hgducharme commented 11 months ago

Something like this seems like good encapsulation and design:

main() {



MoveGeneration.init() {


hgducharme commented 3 months ago

I have already coded to the Bitboard implementation so heavily that there's no going back. In enterprise code it would've maybe been good to have a BoardRepresentation class that hides how the board is actually being represented, but it's all good, no worries. I have kept move generation as it's own thing and will be doing the same for move evaluation